Friday, May 18, 2012

President Obama and the Antichristian Endorsement of Same Sex Marriage

President Obama and the Anti christian Endorsement of Same Sex Marriage

A biracial American who claims to be a "Christian" but wrote a letter to the Windy Times begging for the newspaper's support by vowing to support gay marriage and oppose any constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage would have been the worst nightmare of the Roman Catholics.

–posted 02/09/2008 at 08:01:27, from the book Barack Obama and the American Dream: A Socio-Political Graffiti on American Politics and the rest of the World..

Only those who are ignorant of the antecedents of President Barack Obama are shocked by his audacious and preposterous defense of same sex marriage. But he is only fulfilling the promise he had made to gays as way back as 2004 whilst soliciting for the votes of liberal gays in a letter he wrote to them published by the Windy City Times.

The following is from Barack Obama and the American Dream, the book I have delayed to publish for two years until now that I believe is quite timely for it to be released to remind those who have forgotten that Obama has never really changed and the Democrats made a mistake in preferring him to Hillary Clinton, because now Americans know that she would have made a better President than Barack Hussein Obama.

Any dummy can claim to be a "Christian." In fact, even the Anti-Christ will come in the guise of a "Christian." But truthfully, by their fruits, you shall know them.
No true Christian will vote against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
No true Christian will vote in support of same sex marriage.

There is no such thing as gay Christians or lesbian Christians. You cannot be gay and be a Christian, and you cannot be lesbian and be a Christian. Jesus Christ said you cannot be hot and cold and that He will spit you out if you are hypocritical. Hypocrites are not Christians.

What makes you a CHRISTIAN is not claiming to be a "CHRISTIAN," but keeping the commandments of Jesus Christ—not by lip service and eye service?
There is too much hypocrisy in the masquerade of Christianity.
The reign of hypocrisy is destroying the true Christian church in America and the rest of the world.

Senator Barack Hussein Obama cannot be a true Christian and write the letter he sent to the Windy City Times in 2004, promising to vote against DOMA and to vote in support of same sex marriage because he wants gays and lesbians to vote for him.

–posted 03/01/2008 at 09:23:10

As much as it would be rational to accept the sexual orientations of others whose beliefs and peculiarities are contrary to what is natural and normal, but should we just allow them to threaten the fundamental basis and premise of human civilization and let them destroy the institution of marriage which is the bedrock of the family and our society by their abnormality and bestiality called same sex marriage?

Is it not ironical that there are now more abnormal sexual misdemeanors among humans than among beasts in the jungle?
I mean how many lions have we seen mating with lions?
Do male dogs have sex with male dogs?
Do bulls have sex with bulls?
So, we can see that the beasts in the jungle even know how unnatural and abnormal it is to indulge in same sex intercourse and the absurdity of same sex marriage endorsed by President Obama and other humans of the lunatic fringe among us.
Who is President Obama trying to hoodwink?

Would First Lady Michelle Obama be proud to witness her daughters engaged in lesbianism?
And then walk tall to see them getting married to their fellow girls in same sex marriage?
Would Michelle accept Obama divorcing her to marry a man?
Or would Obama be glad to see his beloved wife leave him for a woman and then sleep peacefully while she is having oral sex with a fellow woman?
Of course she would not pray or wish for such a calamity to befall her family, except she has gone round the bend, but she would pretend to support her husband’s hypocritical desperation to win the donations and votes of the millions in the Lesbians Bisexual and Gays (LBG) Community in the United States in his desperate attempt to lure them away from his Republican opponent in the presidential election.
It is really the saddest day in America to witness how the first black American president has degraded the exalted office of the President of the United States! And this is the man they gave a Nobel Prize?
The world has really come to an end!

This is the worst nightmare in the history of African Americans since slavery; that the symbol of their American Dream will become the mockery of the black race since Adam and Eve, because homosexuality is an alien practice among Africans until the incursions of Arabs and Europeans in the imperial bastardization of African culture.
We don’t even tolerate infidelity in marriage to even imagine two men have sex. Such mad men would be ostracized and cast into the evil forest where they truly belonged or become outcasts and slaves banished from our shores lest they would corrupt others and pollute our noble society.
We cannot bear the abnormality, depravity and insanity of using the same anus you use for defecation to have sex and then live in our midst?
Such an abomination will never be accepted or tolerated by any rational and sane human, except in hell!

Do the gays and lesbians need a presidential validation for their abnormal sexual orientation?
Would Obama’s validation end their stigmatization in the society?
Which is more imperative, the endorsement of Obama or their peace of mind?

President Barack would do anything to win an election even if he had to sell his soul the devil?

If you have the fundamental human right to express your support for homosexuality and same sex marriage, then I have the same fundamental human right to express my absolute protest against it and to reject it!

~ By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima, aka Orikinla Osinachi.
PS: Barack Obama and the American Dream will be released before August and distributed by Amazon and other book stores worldwide.

Nigerian Police Officers and Unlawful Behaviour

Acting Inspector General of Police, Mr. Abubakar.

~ By John Egbeazien Oshodi, Ph.D.

Police beating of each other, Drunkenness and Shootings in Public are preventable
Extremely excitable acts and violent encounters among uniform police officers in Nigeria are now periodic sights in the public view. These abnormal behaviors which could further give the police bad image around the nation require full psychological attention.

The occasional eruption of fights between armed police officers, the exhibition of drunken behaviors and sporadic shooting by male officers mostly, in public places are sights that any reasonable citizen would hate to see.

These personality-disordered behaviors send a wrong message of indiscipline, character disorder, impulsiveness, dangerousness and madness about anyone in police service.

There is urgent need for the new management of the Nigeria police to reduce these ugly messages, horrible perceptions and unpleasant images particularly when these behaviors are not reflective of most police personnel, and these public images even in one wild or hostile officer remains all too many.

The sometime hostile police-public engagements which have sometimes resulted in outright violence by an officer against a citizen could be the hand work of a few officers and those are the ones that need to be weeded out during enlistment periods, and fully identified if they are already in the police service.

The demand on police to fight crime remains enormous and as such the stress of the work could be so exerting on some officers that they end up acting out in public between themselves with some of these responses been directed to a society that does not fully appreciate and celebrate their hard work.

Nonetheless and in spite of one’s condition, a police officer must constantly stand the test of meeting the full standards of law enforcement professional.
As such the all too common exposure to corruptible, pilfering, intoxicating, sexual abuse and other kinds of illegal/unethical/bizarre behaviors by some police officers are detrimental to the police organization and to the people; therefore these acts need full taming now.

A more control measure to fighting these problems lies with psychological testing of the soon-to-be and the already serving police officers.

The Acting Inspector General of Police, Mr. Muhammed Abubakar as part of his renovation agenda should mandate that anyone entering the police work must go through psychological screening, testing and evaluation.

With the use of psychological testing, clinical and forensic psychologists are able to fully reveal the inner side of humans in terms of intellectual, personality, and visual-motor and ethical functioning, as well as security and law enforcement tendencies.

To become a certified entrant to the police training college either as a recruit or as a senior police officer the individual must pass a series or battery of psychological tests carried out mainly by a licensed or certified Clinical and personality psychologist, and certainly not by psychiatrists as they are mainly certified in medication aspects of mental health issues.

By involving psychological tests in police work, cases of psychological imbalanced individuals are caught earlier and cutoff quickly , and for those already serving but psychologically shaky, treatment in form of therapy may be offered, and in some cases they could receive medication—this where the psychiatrist comes in mainly.
In the face of many challenges that the Nigerian police is currently fighting with it will be unusual if psychological testing does not become mandated in training matters except the current police management does not mind hearing and seeing of very disturbing police behaviors in public periodically.

The Acting Inspector General of Police, Mr. Abubakar and his management team should assist the nation in moving the police into modernity in terms of continuously professionalizing the Nigerian police.

~ John Egbeazien Oshodi, Ph.D., is an Abuja-based Forensic/Clinical Psychologist. 08126909839.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Nigeria: Extend Oil Subsidy Investigation to FBI

The removal of fuel subsidy on petrol provoked a nationwide strike in January with mass protests on the streets of Nigeria until the government reached an amicable settlement with Organized Labour. Photo Credit: Nigerian Times.

Extend Oil Subsidy Investigation to FBI

~ John Egbeazien Oshodi, Ph.D.

The Nigerian Federal Government is reportedly already getting the United States of America to assist our law enforcement agencies to investigate ways to properly tackle terrorism and the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the agency that is assisting the Nigerian authorities.

If there is any other time to get assistance from the FBI this is the time.
Unlike the Nigerian insurgency problem that is complexly marked with cultural, linguistic, religious, ethnic and political challenges; issues that could affect a non-African law enforcement agency like the FBI, the current oil subsidy case with all of its forensic accounting and economic complexes is a perfect fit for the FBI.
Now that the Honorable Farouk Lawan-led House of Representatives panel on the subsidy probe has handed their findings to the executive arm of the Nigerian government the FBI investigators should immediately be called in as a matter of urgency to begin a collaborative work with the Nigerian government’s law enforcement agencies and crime squads.

President Jonathan who is known for his fight against criminality as in terrorism has continuously called for help from international powers to fight insurgency.
In this regard, he should make FBI’s participation in the subsidy investigation an urgent matter and give quick authorization to this call as this sort of approach will give the Nigerian people full blown confidence in regards to President Jonathan, dealing with this huge financial case meritoriously.

The President should also see that the Minister of Justice Bello Adoke known for his promise to help the nation uphold the rule of law leave the police and the FBI to work on this case with independently, with no political interference.
Also, during the prosecution face of this case an independent prosecutor with high ethical spirit and professional conduct should be appointed on the case.

There is already a warning from civil society organizations for Nigerians to be on the watch out in order to see how this ultra-case is being handled by the presidency and the entire Nigerian political leadership.

There is no doubt that from the nature of this case as presented by the Farouk Lawan-led House of Representatives panel that the matter assets the risk of anger among every reasonable and patriotic Nigerian.

The warnings from the civil society groups are arriving at a time when the people are already disillusioned over the conditions of poverty, poor infrastructure and national insecurity.

The subsidy matter is the latest blast with all of its string of economic, commercial, and monetary excesses which could further highlight the people’s pain and anger.

This rising economic tension in the country plus the already religious tension could further exacerbate more problems collectively, across our multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, especially if a host of things are not done properly along the lines of justice and the rule of law.

Recently the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) Dahiru Musdapher described Nigeria as possibly incurably corrupt and viewed the judiciary that will be handling the subsidy offenders as part of the long standing corrupt atmosphere, therefore assisting in undermining true justice in our nation.

The Chief Justice concern about unethical and corrupt practices among some judicial officers is of particular interest as the subsidy cases will reach the courts, and unless the assigned judges show depth of professionalism, public confidence on the subsidy case could fall low, and make the citizens slump further to a level of hopelessness and anger.

In the future, the assigned Justices on the subsidy matter must ensure that the judicial system remain economically, tribally and socially neutral so as to safeguard our already fragile democracy.

Safeguarding the justice system is so essential at this time, especially when the chief judge has already sounded that representationally a corrupt judge could be more dangerous to the society than a man who runs amok with a dagger in a jam-packed street.

This is the time when the government with the possible help of the FBI should painstakingly carry out a line of criminal investigations, and build a full case that will stand the test of strenuous prosecution against those found defective in terms of law abiding behaviors.

In this regard, a thorough investigation need to be anchored on a set of sophisticated financial investigations and this is where the FBI will provide their forensic accounting tools to help address a very complex case like the subsidy fraud matter.

The FBI along with the Nigerian detectives using all the necessary tools used in financial crimes investigations could help uncover this mass financial fraud and huge case of public corruption.

This matter which occurred in President Jonathan’s time is not only to be placed on a scale of national priority within the context of other principal issues facing the nation but it may become a case that from all angles cut across all forms of public corruption, corporate irregularities, financial crimes and human rights violations.
The Farouk Lawan-led committee has shown that the mass theft by some powerful Nigerian officials and various oil firms has cost the country over N1 trillion, therefore, it is essential that feeling of politicking and acts of partisanship are not brought into this matter as such games will not work at this critical time.
This present financial mismanagement and swindling is more of a moral, psychic, physical and societal matter that could cause incalculable pain not just to Nigerians of today but to generations to come.

Therefore the call for collaboration between the FBI and the Nigerian law enforcement agencies’ is a psychological test that the government should pass or in the absence of this common sense approach, it could face a bitter test from the people and that could include acts of mass outcry against what they may perceive as an unjust system of government in the nation.

~ John Egbeazien Oshodi, Ph.D., is an Abuja-based Forensic/Clinical Psychologist. 08126909839.

Top Reports of the Day

Download The Final Fuel Subsidy Probe Report

Survey: Economic Optimism Increases Among U.S. and Europe CFOs

Zagat Releases U.S. Car Rental Survey

Quarterly Earnings Reports

Obama Endorses Gay Marriage

Summer Travel

2012 Summer Olympics

Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
14 May 2012
11:00 IBM Experts Deliver Recommendations to Ghana Ministry of Health for Increasing Access to More Affordable Health Care
11 May 2012
06:28 Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) Ranks Airtel Best in Quality of Service
10 May 2012
21:05 Net1 Reports Third Quarter 2012 Results
17:52 Platts: OPEC Oil Production Climbs to 31.71 Million Barrels Per Day in April
14:00 China Precision Steel Announces Conference Call to Discuss Third Quarter Fiscal 2012 Results
13:43 Oil / East Africa / Mozambique Channel / Completion of 2-D seismic data acquisition in Juan de Nova and Belo Profond assets
13:00 HDI Announces Industry Award Winners at HDI 2012 Conference & Expo
06:00 BOURBON ? Press Release : 2012 First Quarter Revenues
9 May 2012
8 May 2012
21:07 The General Public Becomes Frantic as Oil Speculations Affect Pump Prices as US Explores Unconventional Resources to Cope, in Energy Digital
13:11 RES Systems Rolls-Out Marketing Campaign Introducing the Razor Series(TM) DC to DC Solar Converter Solution
01:43 World Leaders Ready to Help the Most Vulnerable People Adapt

Donations, Job Creation, Scholarship Scheme etc.: The Princewill’s Example

Prince Tonye Princewill.

Donations, Job Creation, Scholarship Scheme etc.: The Princewill’s Example

~ By Nwaorgu Faustinus

Prince Tonye with an orphan.

Individuals of Charisma are often sincerely called to mind, eulogized, remembered and or immortalized while still alive for their colossal humanitarian disposition not only to the poor, the less privileged, the unemployed but also to persons who genuinely needed to be helped given the availability of resources at the givers disposal and prompting of the donor’s spirit. Conversely too, people often times are snubbed into eternal obscurity, oblivion for their actions and inactions which most people consider to be negative and not in the interest of the downtrodden, unemployed, less privileged among others whose situation appear to be insurmountable. It is therefore in the former that Prince Tonye Princewill falls.

Prince Tonye with orphans.

The Godswill Orphanage of Kogi won the first ever Reality TV Talent Contest Melody Shelters sponsored by Prince Tonye Princewill.

Born on 4th of January, 1969, into the family of a famous academics and Amanyanabo of the Kalabari Kingdom - King Prof TJT Princewill, Amachree the xi. Princewill an Engineer by training possesses a post-graduate degree from the Imperial College, London. A proficient practitioner with a unblemished working knowledge of both ITIL and Change Management, he’s been a presenter on project management issues. His knowledge of the Oil and Gas industry, his ICT experience and his relationships with both corporate and community players has led to his instituting and facilitation of several initiatives for training, capacity building and skills acquisition in the region.

Prince Tonye and the Governor of Rivers State, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi.

Prince Tonye with Rev. Jesse Jackson, the famous American Civil Rights Leader and former presidential aspirant.

Princewill a perspicacious business magnate with interests cutting across the aviation industry to haulage of petroleum products, entertainment industry, information communication technology to mention but a few had his initial stints with blue Chip companies where he polished his professional skills which he used to good advantage. He is the youngest member of the Rivers State Economic Advisory Committee. In December 2007, he was appointed Investment Consultant to the Rivers State and has so far been able to attract over (N50B) fifty Billion Naira) worth of investments to the state through the Public Private Partnership Initiative of the State Government.

In his bid to bring in foreign investment to Rivers State, through Public Private Partnership, he pulled the maiden string that saw Silver bird Cinema in the heart of Port Harcourt. Apart from this, he has facilitated other major investment opportunities and ventures for the State Government's Public Private Partnership (PPP) Initiative to wit, the new International Market in Eleme, the new Rivers State Emergency Call Centre, the 1000 bed Mega Hospital, the Mother and Children's Hospital and the Tumosan's tractor assembly plant. These initiatives alongside his personal business concerns such as River Drill Group and Delta Plus have played a major role in Rivers State as avenues for the employment of thousands of unemployed persons.

On how Prince Tonye Princewill impacted on the lives of the youth, undergraduate and postgraduate one Onukwube Uwanu, a social critic wrote “In an unemployment ravaging society and being an employment agent, Princewill has been able to employ thousands of youths and graduates through his investment initiatives which cut across oil and gas, telecommunication, information technology etc. These youths would have been unemployed, indolent or at worse social misfits but God forbid. Not done yet, Princewill is the brain behind his father’s Pet Project and Scholarship Scheme where over 150 Kalabari undergraduates and post-graduates around the globe benefit from the scholarship programme yearly. In addition, he has not relented in giving alms to the less privileged individuals, groups or organization either morally, financially or otherwise. One of such assistance was the donation of a bus to the National Association of Ijaw Female Students (NAIFS), an umbrella body of Ijaw female students both in Nigeria and Diaspora”.

As a sports lover, he on the 26th of July, 2008 sponsored twenty youths and six journalists to the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja to watch live the match between two giant English clubs - Manchester United and Portsmouth. Twenty fans were selected out of five thousand fans through a draw, ten females and the other ten males of Niger Delta extraction. For the two days they spent in Abuja, hotel accommodation, daily allowance and feeding as well as transportation was adequately provided by this rare gift to the Niger Delta and by extension Nigeria. The reason for the gesture according to a close source was not only to enable the fans to have first-hand experience of Abuja but to also watch live, for the first time, the two clubs play and to eventually propel them to make a career in sports if need be.

He had in the past and even recently identified with the media from 2009 to date which has earned him the tag “friend of the media” as his relationship with the Forth Estate could best be described as amiable and convivial. It is worthy of note that the Rivers State owned newspaper, The Tide Newspaper has benefited from the magnanimous inclinations of this scion of the Kalabari monarch. This is sequel to his donation of three quality laptops to the newspaper outfit in 2009 and donation of a world class photocopier to the Rivers State chapter of Nigeria Union of Journalists’ Correspondents Chapel. Recently too, he made an undisclosed cash donation to the incoming executive and a large collection of equipment to the Correspondents Chapel to help assist them with running their business centre in addition to the donation of Media Centre to the Peoples Democratic Party Head Quarters in Abuja, a party which he belongs to.

Not done yet, he has facilitated the sponsorship of the like of Mr. Valentine Ohu in Broadcast Journalism, Miss Crystabel Goddy in Acting, Mr Telema Senibo in 3D Graphics, Miss Mercy Akudo, in Acting, and Mr Stanley Kotey in 3D Graphics to the 2011 Del-York Film Academy. For posterity sake, the above youths are currently owners of studios worth millions of Naira which will help them put into practice the training the obtained at Del-York Film Academy. Similarly he had in more than one occasion identified with orphanages by the sponsorship of NNENDA, a Nigerian home video that x-rayed the pitiable plight of orphans in the society and recently the musical reality T show for orphanages organized by Melody Shelters, wherein he in collaboration with Adonis Productions dulled out the Championship Prize of N10M to Kogi State Godswill Orphanage while the Runners-up, the Lifetime Orphanage of Rivers State got the Prize of N5M. Rachael Homes, Abuja came in third carting home the N3Mprize while five hundred thousand each was given to the other remaining five Homes.

In appreciation for the humanitarian contributions of this rare breed (Prince Tonye Princewill) in the political enclave of the South-South Zone, one Odimegwu Onwumere dedicated an anthology with the title: “Piquant: Love Poems To Prince Tonye Princewill” to him. Again, though not given to accepting awards, Prince Tonye made himself available to accept a “Leadership and Human Development Award conferred on him by the National Association of Ijaw Female Students.

Prince Tonye and members of the Polo Club.

These commendable humanitarian works embarked upon by Prince Tonye Princewill, among others not captured herein, have continued to generate reactions among many who ask if there is no end to his philanthropy and for what purpose. It is now over to you, the Prince of Niger Delta politics to expatiate to Nigerians what informed your charitable works.

~ Nwaorgu Faustinus writes from Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Mobile: +2348035601312. Email:

Top Reports of the Day

Download The Final Fuel Subsidy Probe Report

Survey: Economic Optimism Increases Among U.S. and Europe CFOs

Zagat Releases U.S. Car Rental Survey

Quarterly Earnings Reports

Obama Endorses Gay Marriage

Summer Travel

2012 Summer Olympics

Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
14 May 2012
11:00 IBM Experts Deliver Recommendations to Ghana Ministry of Health for Increasing Access to More Affordable Health Care
11 May 2012
06:28 Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) Ranks Airtel Best in Quality of Service
10 May 2012
21:05 Net1 Reports Third Quarter 2012 Results
17:52 Platts: OPEC Oil Production Climbs to 31.71 Million Barrels Per Day in April
14:00 China Precision Steel Announces Conference Call to Discuss Third Quarter Fiscal 2012 Results
13:43 Oil / East Africa / Mozambique Channel / Completion of 2-D seismic data acquisition in Juan de Nova and Belo Profond assets
13:00 HDI Announces Industry Award Winners at HDI 2012 Conference & Expo
06:00 BOURBON ? Press Release : 2012 First Quarter Revenues
9 May 2012
8 May 2012
21:07 The General Public Becomes Frantic as Oil Speculations Affect Pump Prices as US Explores Unconventional Resources to Cope, in Energy Digital
13:11 RES Systems Rolls-Out Marketing Campaign Introducing the Razor Series(TM) DC to DC Solar Converter Solution
01:43 World Leaders Ready to Help the Most Vulnerable People Adapt