Showing posts with label LGBO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBO. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Can A #Transgender Woman Get Pregnant?

Can A #Transgender Woman Get Pregnant?

Trans Women and Fertility: What We Know, What We Don't Know, and What You Can Do - Family Equality

On average, transgender women want to become parents at the same rates of other LGBTQ+ people 

The research shows that 97% of transgender adults think that fertility should be discussed prior to transition (no surprises there) and 51% of transgender women wish they had preserved their fertility before transitioning.

Only 3% of transgender people actually do preserve their fertility, and it does seem liketransgender women in general may have lower sperm quality and quantity even before starting hormone therapy.

Hormone therapy contributes to loss of volume, concentration, motility (ability to move), and total count of sperm, even after you stop taking it