Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nollywood Cinemas: The Largest Cinema Chain Launches In Nigeria

It is great news that Nollywood Cinemas, the largest cinema chain in Africa launches in over 23 states in Nigeria. Nollywood Cinemas is the master plan of Diamond Pictures to bring cinemas to every community in every local government area in Nigeria to boost the Nigerian Film Industry. Nollywood Cinemas has 6 cinema halls in Lagos where local and foreign movies are already playing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Amnesty cautions Nigerian military over post election violence

The Nigerian military must not use excessive force to quell riots and demonstrations taking place around the imminent announcement of presidential election results, Amnesty International said today.

“We are extremely concerned about the escalation of violence in northern and central Nigeria by protestors and urge the Nigerian authorities to ensure that excessive force is not used against protesters,” said Tawanda Hondora, Amnesty International’s deputy director for Africa.

“Political leaders on all sides must act responsibly and tell their supporters to stop all acts of violence and human rights abuses.”

Rioting and violent attacks have been reported in the north and centre of the country, including Kaduna, Kano, Gombe, Adamawa, Bauchi and Plateau states and the Federal Capital Territory.

“The security forces' response to this unrest must not lead to further human rights violations. The police and military must respect human life and use proportionate means to police demonstrations,” said Tawanda Hondora.

Presidential poll results show incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan is set to win.

Amnesty International recently issued a report highlighting how hundreds of people have been killed in politically-motivated, communal and sectarian violence across Nigeria ahead of presidential and parliamentary polls.

Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
19 Apr 2011
16:56 Restraint urged amid Nigeria election unrest
14 Apr 2011
16:15 Swaziland authorities must end their violent crackdown
16:12 Côte d'Ivoire / L'ONU doit protéger les dizaines de milliers de civils déplacés dans l'ouest du pays
16:02 UN protection needed for tens of thousands of displaced civilians in Côte d'Ivoire
6 Apr 2011
19:20 Zimbabwe / Mass grave bodies must be exhumed by forensic experts
1 Apr 2011
14:08 Côte d'Ivoire / Warning of ‘human rights catastrophe' as forces reach Abidjan
28 Mar 2011
17:28 Amnesty International Deeply Disappointed by Supreme Court's Decision Rejecting Troy Davis Appeal
01:00 Five Countries Defy Sea Change in Global Execution Practices, According to New Amnesty International Report
10 Mar 2011
14:45 Kenya must comply with ICC summons on post-election violence
14:27 Sudan / Crackdown on peaceful protest continues
9 Mar 2011
18:53 Amnesty International National Security Expert to Observe Chairman King's Hearing re: the American Muslim Community

Miami Herald Catches Chevron In Lie About Ecuador Well Site

Miami Herald Catches Chevron In Lie About Ecuador Well Site
Reporter Finds Oil Sludge In “Remediated” Pit

Washington, DC – The Miami Herald has caught Chevron in a lie about its so-called “remediation” in Ecuador that the oil giant uses as its primary defense against an $18 billion judgment in a massive oil-contamination case brought by indigenous groups.

In a story published in today's newspaper, journalist Jim Wyss said he witnessed “thick oil slicks” only a few feet into the ground of a dirt-covered storage pit Chevron told him the day before had been remediated of all oil.

After watching a man dig into the ground at the Sacha 53 well site, Wyss wrote, “Within a few inches the dirt gives off the pungent odor of petroleum. Within a few feet the dirt glistens with oil residue. When a few handfuls of the soil are dropped into a bucket of water, a thick oil-slick coats the surface.”

Chevron has continually claimed to courts and the press that it conducted a remediation of the site.

This report is significant because Chevron has testified in front of U.S. Judge Lewis Kaplan of the Southern District Court of New York that it cleaned the site, along with many others. In fact, evidence has shown that Chevron simply covered the pits with dirt and never removed the toxins. Chevron has claimed to Kaplan that it is the victim of a racketeering scheme cooked up by the plaintiffs -- 30,000 rainforest residents – and their American and Ecuadorian lawyers.

The plaintiffs argue Chevron’s charges are only last-minute, desperate attempts to cover up its unlawful racketeering scheme in Ecuador, which led to the deliberate discharge of billions of gallons of toxic waste into the Amazon, killing off indigenous groups and causing an epidemic of cancer.

On a series of rulings over the last several months, Kaplan has cited the remediation agreement between Chevron and the Ecuadorian government as evidence that Chevron is not responsible for the contamination.

“This American journalist’s eyewitness account, along with massive evidence in the trial, puts the lie to Chevron’s claims to the U.S. court,” said Karen Hinton, spokesperson for the Ecuadorians.

In 2002, Chevron had the case – originally filed in the same New York federal court -- moved to Ecuador after submitting 14 separate affidavits claiming the court system was fair and transparent.

After the trial in Ecuador began in 2003, testing at the unlined oil pits left by the company in the jungle began to show illegal levels of life-threatening toxins. By 2007, when overwhelming evidence began to pour onto the court docket, Chevron was taking out advertising in the Ecuadorian newspapers accusing judges, the government and the plaintiffs of conspiring against the company.

In 2009, an Ecuadorian prosecutor indicated two Chevron lawyers and a dozen former Ecuadorian government officials for falsifying the remediation at Sacha-53 and other sites.

Judge Kaplan has, by and large, adopted Chevron’s view on the remediation agreement, writing in one opinion, “the release by Ecuador seems to have been intended to put an end to any claims or litigation concerning Texaco’s alleged pollution.”

The Miami Herald’s Wyss has a different account. He begins his story this way:

“Donald Moncayo (a plaintiffs’ representative) walks to the edge of a flat grassy field that once held two large pits that brimmed with a stew of water and crude from an oil-drilling operation. He lifts a heavy auger above his head and prepares to plunge it into the ground. “They (Chevron) always show you the shirt the coat and the tie,” he said of the area, called Sacha 53, which is now pastureland and spindly trees. “They never show you the tumor underneath the shirt.”

After describing the oil he saw and smelled only a few feet into the soil, he quotes Moncayo again:

“This is their remediation effort,” Moncayo says. “They’re no better than animals.’’

Chevron’s PR representative in Ecuador, James Craig, attempted to explain the oil away by asserting it may have “occurred naturally” or the Ecuadorians may have “spiked” the ground with oil. He even claimed that if Chevron didn’t completely clean the pit, the oil wouldn’t hurt anyone anyway.

“Knowing James Craig, he probably said all of this with a straight face,” said Hinton. “Chevron’s PR people make a lot of money to not only spin the facts, but to lie about them.”

Karen Hinton
Hinton Communications
1215 19th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
703-798-3109, cellular
480-275-3554, fax by email

Between the ill wind and the whirlwind in Nigeria

In all contests, there will be winners and losers, no matter whose ox is gored.

What makes any leader great is not only the feat of a victory, but the courage to overcome the agony of defeat.

Those who ignore an ill wind should be ready for the whirlwind.
I said the issues of these elections are corruption, security and energy, but the political aspirants thought their ego was all that matters.
Where is the joy of victory in the house of anarchy?

I said these primitive natives are not ready for democracy.
How can you practice Democracy, when you violate her virtues?

Goodbye to all that, but I know that without President Goodluck Jonathan and his kith and kin across the Niger, the People's Democratic Party(PDP) would have lost woefully. And after him, who is next?

There cannot be trust where there is no truth and there cannot be peace where there is no justice.
Those who do not want peace will end up in pieces.

When all have been said and done, we would be gone, but the echoes of our voices and the totems of our deeds will testify for us or against us.
Why not use our common sense and say Goodbye to all the Nigerian nonsense of the power brokers who have done us more harm than good.

~ By Orikinla Osinachi

Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
18 Apr 2011
20:16 Statement by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on the presidential election in Nigeria
19:19 Nigeria / L'élection présidentielle se tient dans un climat délétère pour la presse
19:14 Nigeria / Presidential election being held as attacks on media increase
19:12 Nigeria Elections Credible and Creditable - Commonwealth Observers
18:16 ECOWAS observer mission to the presidential elections of 16 April 2011 in the Federal Republic of Nigeria
18:06 Mission d'observation de la CEDEAO de l'élection présidentielle du 16 avril 2011 en République fédérale du Nigeria

Congratulations President Goodluck Jonathan, but tackle National Security Fast

President Goodluck Jonathan

Mr. President, Congratulation for Winning the Presidency, but we must now win the National Security Battle and here is how to do it in Nigeria.

Mr. President, let Security Revolution becomes a top agenda for the new Presidency and here is how to we can aggressively execute it in Nigeria. Sir, we must do this with full boldness or chutzpah and we must leave no stone unturned irrespective of sentiments. Sir, remember time is short as there is so much to do. Just ask your friend, President Obama he will tell you the term runs fast!

The Nigerian society will soon see the promises of the new Presidency. The new president and the in-coming administration should aggressively pursue strategies and methodologies that could put a real control to problems of national security and anti-democracy as they relate to assassinations, armed robberies, bombing, arson, corruption, unemployment, poor infrastructure, financial waste, institutional slothfulness, and ethnic/religious divide.

If this type of executive route is taken the road to a security revolution would have begun! The new President should aggressively bring in new perspectives and ideas through non-old hands which should include proven business/entrepreneurial/professional Nigerians both in the country and from the diaspora.

Nigeria remains heavily depended on governmental democracy and public styled management systems with the heavy weight of continuously using the same used-up ideas known throughout the nation’s ministries and para-public agencies.
Surely, this is not the way or mode of growing economic democracy.

By the nature, spirit and tradition of our nation, Nigeria is a pro-ecological, entrepreneurial and industrial nation; as such achieving our economic potential will only occur when the people are free to uncover their capabilities under a much more improved secured environment.

National security also involves labor stability. The Nigerian working atmosphere is much more damaged as many private and public workers only put in a quality time of 3 to 4 hours daily into their works due to electricity shortage and fear of darkness which continues to looms in everyone’s mind.

A good security revolution also involves the national leader and his administration providing an environment where a few cannot continue to personalize the elements and processes of governance. This quandary or problem could be worked on by seeing that family ties, friendship links and personal loyalties does not represent the mount piece through which appointments, policies and agendas are made.

Nigeria is an executive democracy where the nation’s President should be able to give maximum attention to issues in the mode of strategic growth in all areas of public and private economies.

Nigeria’s problem is not mainly about godfatherism /godmotherism or political manipulators as all societies are ingrained with this type of emotional sponsorships.

What we ought to be preoccupied with is seeking out workable ideas and proven concepts from any one irrespective of its source as long as such probable solutions are very realistic to our nation’s growth and prosperity.

To better bring in a secured economic and political environment the right people with successful outcomes across various areas of business or occupation should overwhelm the next administration. These people will be the ones to help the country work out solutions to security problems like unemployment among youths as well as finding ways to provide temporal monetary help to give them seek applied training and jobs.

National security could quickly be ensured with the erection of privatized educational, vocational and professional systems, and State-based universities (public and private). These entities should be made to come under regional accreditation or non-governmental agencies that are basically professional associations that could grant recognition to a higher institution for its demonstrated capacity to meet predetermined criteria for recognized standards. This type of private or non-governmental agency should also be put in place to give accreditation to Hospitals and every other Health care organization. This idea is highly essential for the sole purpose of ensuring a more timely supervision and efficient monitoring of these vital systems.

The new president should have in place contracted procurement specialists working on behalf of the federal government for the purpose of supervising grants and providing contracts as they relate to federal tasks(e.g. super-road works, health care system,water/electric supply).

National security will come in a more healthy way by putting systems in place to move our disabled or physically/mentally challenged populations into work training, job counseling as well as assisting them with temporary disability insurance. These acts could give them pride to contribute to the national development as we just saw with the participation of many of them in polling places casting their vote on election days.

In a society where police personnel, prison workers and court officials are not well paid and given adequate living remuneration, insecurity tends to climb up and as a result local businesses and international investments suffer.Also, the national interest in the area of law and order could be served much better with the establishment of State police systems as different state governments are more likely to abundantly take interest in protecting its people and properties.

It is time to develop a new curriculum at all levels of schooling;exclusively designed to place fresh emphasis on the ethical aspect of the institutional health of the nation as it could help build anti-corruption attitude and mindset at an earlier stage of life.

With less Federal/State owned organizations running services there could be is less room for national security insults like wastage, corruption, neglect, greed, violence, pain, apprehension and suffering.A new and newer Nigeria is possible and let us hope it comes sooner with this new-fangled presidency!

~ By Dr. John Oshodi

John EgbeazienOshodi, Ph.D., DABPS; FACFE; is a Licensed Clinical/Forensic Psychologist; Diplomate of American Board of Psychological Specialties; Fellow of American College of Forensic Examiners (For Psy); Former Interim Associate Dean and an Assistant Professor of Psychology, Broward College - North Campus, Coconut Creek, Florida.

Monday, April 18, 2011

An Astonishing 2,564 Miles Per Gallon Achieved At Shell Eco-Marathon® Americas 2011


Quebec's Université Laval Defends Title Winning Shell Eco-marathon Americas for Third Consecutive Year

Houston , April 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Going the farthest distance might sound like a foot race. But this past weekend, it meant stretching the boundaries of fuel efficiency as student teams competed in the fifth annual Shell Eco-marathon® Americas, a challenge for students to design, build and test fuel-efficient vehicles that travel the farthest distance using the least amount of energy. High school and university students from Canada and the United States competed in the two-day street course challenge in downtown Houston.

For the third year in a row and beating last year's mileage by 77 mpg, the student team from Université Laval in Quebec, Canada took home the Internal Combustion First Prize with an astonishing best run of 2,564.8 miles per gallon in the Prototype class. And in the UrbanConcept class, the team from Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, La. took First Prize by achieving a best run of 646.7 mpg. For the complete list of all Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2011 winners for both on-track and off-track awards, please visit

"Every year, the competition at Shell Eco-marathon Americas gets a little tougher," said Anthony Bernier of Université Laval. "With more teams participating this year, there are a lot of really smart and innovative fuel-efficient ideas to be seen on and off the track. We put a lot of time and hard work into our vehicle this year and are very proud of how we did. We are excited to be Shell Eco-marathon Americas champions for the third year in a row and to have beat our mileage achieved last year!"

Bruce Culpepper, Shell Oil Company Executive Vice President Americas Operations, kicked off the challenge on Saturday, April 16, by waving the green start flag and asking the teams to "Start your fuel-efficient engines!" The competition was steep with a record number of 62 student teams and their 68 vehicles competing.

Shell Eco-marathon continues to grow and challenge students to push the boundaries with their innovative fuel efficiency solutions. In that spirit, an e-mobility category was added to the 2011 competitions. This category includes both Prototype and UrbanConcept vehicles powered by electric motors using hydrogen, solar or, for the first time, 'Plug-in' battery energy sources. Other fuels in the internal combustion powered vehicles include gasoline, diesel, GTL, biodiesel or ethanol.

Shell Eco-marathon is an inspiring part of Shell's "Smarter Mobility" program, which is aimed at meeting the needs of today's drivers as society faces an increasing demand on energy for transport. While alternative energies such as hydrogen and advanced biofuels have real potential, there will not be enough of these energy sources to make a measureable difference for another decade or more. With an eye on the future of transportation, the students and their innovative designs at Shell Eco-marathon are competitively focused on smarter use.

The 62 teams who participated in Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2011 entered 56 Prototype entries and 12 UrbanConcept entries (Note: some teams have multiple vehicle entries in different categories).

* The Prototype entries consisted of 39 vehicles powered by Internal Combustion engines included 32 by gasoline, three by ethanol, three by diesel fuel and one by biodiesel.
* The 17 Prototype vehicles powered by e-mobility included nine by 'Plug-in' electricity, three by fuel cell/hydrogen technology and five by solar.
* The UrbanConcept entries consisted of nine vehicles powered by Internal Combustion engines including seven by gasoline and two by diesel fuel.
* The three UrbanConcept vehicles powered by e-mobility included one by 'Plug-in' electricity, one by fuel cell/hydrogen and one by solar.

For more information on the Prototype and UrbanConcept classes and energy categories as well as complete results, please visit For event photos, click here. For video, click here.

Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2011 event sponsors included SKF USA Inc., Autodesk, Southwest Research Institute, Michelin and Pennzoil ULTRA.

Shell Eco-marathon Americas energy challenge will return to the streets of Houston in March 2012.
About Shell Oil Company

Shell Oil Company is an affiliate of the Royal Dutch Shell plc, a global group of energy and petrochemical companies with 93,000 employees in more than 90 countries. We deliver a diverse range of energy solutions and petrochemicals to customers worldwide. These include transporting and trading oil and gas, marketing natural gas, producing and selling fuel for ships and planes, generating electricity and providing energy efficiency advice.

We also produce and sell petrochemical building blocks to industrial customers globally, and we are investing in making renewable and lower-carbon energy sources competitive for large-scale use. In the U.S., we operate in 50 states and employ more than 20,000 people delivering energy in a responsible manner.

Shell US Media Line · 713-241-4544

From Tractor And Equipment Nigeria To Mantrac Nigeria

From Tractor And Equipment Nigeria To Mantrac Nigeria, The Impact Remains Dependably Unsurpassable.

With what started as part of the Technical Division of the then United Africa Company in 1948, Tractor and Equipment Nigeria Limited has formidably evolved into Mantrac Nigeria Limited, a subsidiary of Mantrac/ Unatrac Group with unsurpassed world- class product lines cutting across Construction, Mining, Power Generation, Material Handling, Warehousing, Agriculture, Tires, Information Technology, and Trucks.

In the area of Mining, Mantrac Power Systems provides Caterpillar electric generators which are built to ensure uninterruptible power supply to all tough and demanding mining applications. The company also extends its service with the provision of expert engineering assistance to help OEMs integrate engines into their equipment.

In the area of marine services, Mantrac offers customers a world- class product line of high and medium speed engines for all types of ocean-going commercial and pleasure watercraft.

And for the Oil and Gas sector, from wildcatting and production drilling to well servicing and pipeline construction, Mantrac provides a comprehensive range of CAT engines for use in all aspects of the Oil and Gas Industry. Extensively, Mantrac Power System sets the standard for parts and service support, from extensive part inventories to preventive maintenance, diagnostics and emergency service – all backed by the field technicians who know the needs of their customers, and are prepared to meet them. Other incentives include Customer Support Agreements, Extended Service Coverage, Remote Monitoring Solutions and Scheduled Oil Sampling Services.

With the introduction of the Complete Knocked Down Assembly and the Canopy Factory, Mantrac has impressively promoted local content with over 100 trained professionals working tirelessly to guarantee customers’ full product support services at affordable prices. Mantrac Power Systems offers CAT engines which provide prime power to remote installations worldwide, propulsion of military vessels as well as engine power for tactical and support vehicles.
Also, Mantrac Power Systems offers a wide variety of used equipment at competitive prices. These equipment are thoroughly inspected, expertly repaired and is often backed by extended coverage options. Rental Solutions with the full range of Olympian and CAT generators to meet customers’ jobsite needs are also provided by Mantrac wherever equipment is needed to pull, push, lift, dig, shake, or pump. These engines are both diesel and gas- powered for use in different applications and for a variety of industries.

As part of its commitment to providing electric solutions for optimal efficiency in business, Mantrac offers Olympian generators from 10KVA to 220KVA and Caterpillar generators from 250KVA to 7000KVA, providing both primary and standby power. The genrators can be used to power offshore oil rigs, mines in remote areas, communities in areas far from utility power grids, hospitals, schools, factories, airports and office buildings. The engines are also designed to power trucks, ships and boats, agricultural equipment, construction and mining machines, and more.

As part of its vision to create a leading Group of profitable international businesses that provide customers with first choice value proposition, Mantrac understanding the importance of information technology and the vital role it plays in the business world have become a leading solution provider in the field of Information Technology and office equipment distribution. Through its wide distribution network, the IT Distribution business has become a multi- brand/ multi- product distributor. Today, Mantrac is a major distributor of all leading IT products including Dell, ZTE, Daewoo, Fortinet, MacAfee, Fujitsu Siemens, IBM, Lenouvu, Acer, 3COM, MGE, and Microsoft.

The product range includes desktop and laptop computers, servers, workstations, and storage systems. Mantrac also offer networking and un-interrupted power supply (UPS) solutions. These products extend to include handhelds as well as computer accessories and options.

And at the just concluded Nigeria Oil and Gas Exhibition 2011 held at International Conference Centre, Abuja, Mantrac took a centre stage with the large crowd and visitors. The exhibition attracted a huge number of upper echelon from different corporate bodies and top government officials including Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs – Mr. odein Ajumogobia, S.A.N, Minister of FCT, Senator Bala Mohammed, and the Presidential Adviser on Petroleum, Dr. Emmanuel Egbogah who declared the NOG2011 exhibition open.

Mantrac has its operations in Nigeria, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Iraq and Siberia- Russia. The Group also caters for offshore customers through its export sales office in United Kingdom.

The Victory of the PDP is the mirror of Nigeria

My people must be jubilating in the village square. But I do not join in the celebration of hypocrites, sycophants, opportunists and tribal bigots.

I have already congratulated Prof. Attahiru Jega, the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for the excellent conduct of the presidential election in Nigeria held on Saturday April 16, 2011. It is the freest and fairest and most credible presidential election in the political history of Nigeria since 1960 to date. And Jega is totally innocent of the outcome of the presidential election. But that does not mean the winner President Goodluck Jonathan is innocent.

The corrupt People's Democratic Party (PDP) has won again and I am not surprised, because the majority of the members and voters are corrupt and narrow minded, and have voted for the perpetuation of corruption, nepotism and tribalism.

They are afraid of being prosecuted for their crimes and being disciplined by an incorruptible and upright leader. They would rather continue their immoral and criminal lifestyles permitted by a complacent and shifty apologist of the kleptomaniacs of the ruling party and his Machiavellian power brokers.

They are addicted to cheating, lying, stealing and other evils they do daily.
Imagine telling Nigerian students not to cheat?
Imagine telling their corrupt parents not to misappropriate public funds?
Imagine telling dogs not to eat rotten meat?
Behaviour change is tough for most people indulging in corrupt practices.

The ruling People's Democratic Party (PDP) is the mirror of Nigerians.
They want to retain the status quo.
They have even increased in population as they have recruited more from the corrupt species of their Religion of "If you can't beat them, join them". They want to continue their business as usual. So, I leave them to their fate as dog eat dog in President Goodluck Jonathan's Nigeria.
The Holy Bible said it all in John 3:19.

~ By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Boko Haram Movement And Its Deadly Impact

Boko Haram Movement And Its Deadly Impact

By Barrister Bunmi V. Osin (Email:
( Tuesday, April 5, 2011 )

"Back to the crux of the matter. Why has the National Assembly members suddenly gone to sleep? Have they not heard of the over 4,000 Darul Islam sect members in Mokwa of Niger State that were dislodged and sent to their respective States?" -Barrister Bunmi V. Osin

The Nigerian nation has had more than its fair share of conflicts. From inter-ethnic, intra-ethnic and religious conflicts to land disputes etc. e.g. Shagamu (Yoruba vs Hausa in July 1999; Aguleri vs Umuleri in Anambra State in April, 2000; the Ikulu vs Baju in Zango Kataf; the ethno-religious fracas in parts of Jos, in Sept. 2001, July 2002, and Nov. 2008; acts of militancy in the Niger Delta and most recently the attacks on innocent Nigerians that started in Bauchi and sporadically spread to other States in the North where the Boko Haram adherents had pitched their tents, etc. The latest incident is one attack too many on the psyche of Nigeria as a nation, I am no prophet of doom, but are all these incidents not pointers to the American prediction of the disintegration of the nation in no distant future?
The very foundation of our existence as a nation was rocked violently by the religious bigots called 'Boko Haram' literally meaning 'western education is sin', who were desirous of ridding the nation of the 'sins of westernization' by a futile attempt, to install a parallel government based on the Islamic principles, as according to Ustaz Yusuf, all those Northern Nigeria Governors clamouring for Sharia were hypocrites as reported in the Sunday Sun Newspaper of August 2, 2009 as they do not believe in Islam and in the process over 800 innocent Nigerians were reported to have been killed and properties worth millions of naira destroyed in these senseless attacks. We commend the security agencies that battled to restore peace and order in the northern parts of the country where this incident took place despite the problems confronting by them, ranging from inadequate funds, and use of archaic weapons, against more sophisticated weaponry flaunted by the Boko Haram bigots.

During the uprisings in Jos and other parts of the State, at different times, the stories were tilted to sound as if it were acts of genocide against the Muslims, which is a far cry from the truth. In Maiduguri, Bauchi, Yobe, Kano, etc. States where the Boko Haram people struck, the reportage was presented leaving out the attacks carried out on Christian's places of worship. For instance, the selective attack on places of Christian worship and the killing of the Pastors and forceful conversion of captured Christians to embrace Islam and join their evil jihad were not reported. The Light Bearer - a newspaper published by the COCIN Church, later presented pictures of burnt places of worship, with charred remains of adherents that met their unfortunate death in the hands of these devils. Why was the media silent on that aspect? Was that a deliberate plan to suppress the truth? Truth, like murder, will always out, as they say. Acts of arson targeted at Christian properties and places of worship have been going on in the country systematically, e.g. in Zaria where 37 Churches were burnt in 1987, and several others cases in Kano, Bauchi, Jos and other places.

Back to the crux of the matter. Why has the National Assembly members suddenly gone to sleep? Have they not heard of the over 4,000 Darul Islam sect members in Mokwa of Niger State that were dislodged and sent to their respective States? If Borno State had taken the bull by the horn and evicted Boko Haram sect members based on Security Reports, would that sect have been able to wreak havoc on the citizenry as they did? For fear of Darul Islam starting a similar attack from the fringes of River Niger, the Chief Servant of Niger State did well by being proactive and directed that the people who inhabited the Mokwa enclave be evicted to wherever they came from. That has since been done, and those that came from Bauchi, Borno, Kano, and even outside the shores of Nigeria, have been deported. A similar thing was belatedly done in Borno State, where the Boko Haram people were pitched and had wreaked havoc on the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The uprisings in Plateau State did not start with Governor Jang. It will be recalled that in September, 2001, there was Muslim vs Christian fracas in Jos, and later in June/July, 2002, there were incidents of uprisings in Barakin Ladi, Shendam, Wase when various indigenous tribes versus the Hausa Fulani settlers, and the November 2008 ethnic/religious crisis over an election conducted in Jos North Local Government Area of the State. For the fact that the crisis erupted before the announcement of the election results is a pointer to the fact that crisis was brewing waiting to be ignited! Governor Jang, in order to nip the brewing crisis in the bud, as would any responsible Chief Security Officer of a State, directed that the Boko Haram(?) people be dislodged from Wase LGA, and taken to their respective States. When that was done, the National Assembly cried foul, that as Nigerians, they were entitled to live in any part of the country and even set up a Committee to investigate the matter! Their eviction caused ripples for those who do not wish peace to be restored in Plateau State as they have sworn that Plateau will know no peace till the indigenous people are subjugated and annihilated. Let us rationally cite the matter of the ASUU strike which has lingered for over three months now, and the Federal Government is reluctant to sign an agreement that would be binding on the State Governments, yet it can set up a Committee to investigate a State crisis - why the double standard? If truly that is the position, the National Assembly should rise from its slumber and set up Committees to Investigate Niger and Borno States for dislodging Darul Islam and Boko Haram members from those States forthwith.

The arrow heads at the National Assembly calling for Governor Jang's head have so far kept mum. Were those people who were relocated to their villages not Nigerians? Why the double standard for God's sake? If a smaller incident takes place in Plateau State, the whole nation, especially those who are in a hurry to actualize the American prediction put their propaganda machinery to use, so much so that they make it sound as if it was a 8th wonder of the world! Or could it be said that their silence is now due to the fact that the Director-General, Department of State Security Service in a session with the Committee on Interior, according to Newspaper reports, informed them that the intelligence reports on the Boko Haram group were forwarded to the authorities concerned but that the powers that be treated it with kid gloves and maintained that he wanted to ridicule Islam because he is a Christian? If action had been taken on the Security reports, the mind bogging questions are: Would Nigeria be faced with such wanton destruction of lives and properties? Is there a superior religion in the country? Why are the Christians playing the second fiddle in the land? Is the Constitution of Nigeria no longer supreme, where it guarantees all citizens the freedom of worship and association?

It is said that he who comes to equity must come with clean hands, but we are seeing double standards being exhibited by those that find themselves in the corridors of power by hook or crook. Take for instance, the case of the dislodgement of those miscreants in Wase Local Government Area of Plateau State, who claimed they were nomads, but the Chairman of the Local Government, who incidentally is a Muslim and also a Fulani man, reported that in view of the crisis that had rocked the State, he was weary of the people, as they came without cows nor sheep as the nomads usually do, but they arrived in truck loads, which made him suspicious of their mission, methinks they could be members of the Boko Haram.

It would be recalled that after the crisis in parts of Jos North LGA, it was alleged that mercenaries were being used for the attacks and as usual, there were denials, even when some were caught right in the township of Jos and the Okene Local Government Chairman in Kogi State quickly claimed they were Vigilante group members of the Local Government. If indeed his claim is true, what brought them to Jos at that point in time when there was crisis in the State, and who gave them permission to carry fire arms? Not only that they were armed, but also had fake Army and Police uniforms. What has scuttled the Nigeria Police, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, etc. that tax payers money will be used to hire hoodlums that turn back to attack peace loving members of the nation? In a society where the rule of law is being upheld, the Okene Local Government should also joined and prosecuted along with his so-called Vigilante members to serve as a deterrent to those who fan embers of disunity in the country. Those mercenaries were not tried in Plateau State, but taken to the Federal Capital Territory only for the criminals to be freed. Is it that there was no court of competent jurisdiction to try them in Plateau State where they were arrested? The question is: who ordered their release and under what grounds? This gave them the lee way to continue their ungodly activities. One cannot but conclude that there is an evil conspiracy against Plateau State and Christians at large in northern Nigeria.

It is being rumoured that there is an Islamic agenda is being systematically implemented in the country as we recall some years back during the Gen. Ibrahim Babangida regime; Nigeria was surreptitiously smuggled into the membership of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC). If no systematic Islamalization of Nigeria is being discreetly pursued, it should be clear to all reasonable people that what is good for Governor Mu'azu Babaginda is good for Modu Sherif and Governor Jang. If Jang or anyone for that matter falters, his attention should be drawn to it, but where discriminatory policies are meted out on Jang, while his contemporaries who did similar or more heinous things hold sway spells doom for the country. The people are wide awake and are seeing the injustice being done on particularly the Christians in this country and this portends great danger, if not checked, or else we are playing to the gallery to fulfil the prediction of the disintegration of the nation.

Let me conclude by saying that the enemies of Nigeria should not use religion to bring about the disintegration of the country to fruition. If Nigerians unite, no matter their religious beliefs, the country will be the better for it. Our common bond should be the nation, and not ethnic or religious affiliations. The situation as it is now in Jos where Christians occupy a particular section of the city and Muslims on the other side creates room for suspicion among the citizens. Jos is a cosmopolitan city habited by Christians, Moslems, Freethinkers and even the Atheists. With mutual suspicion which has made every kith and kin moving towards one side of the city lends credence to the fact that all is not yet well in Jos Township and it will certainly be a hard nut to crack given our recent experiences in the land for cohabitation to take place. I pray that God gives our leaders a foresight to tackle the situation and Nigerians the tolerance to live peacefully with each other in whatever area of their choice. My strong belief is that religion should serve as a means of uniting the people, no matter the differences in beliefs.

This write-up essentially serves as a call-up to all clergies both Muslims and Christians to rise to their callings by ensuring that sound doctrines are taught to their adherents so that the likes of Ustaz Mohammed Yusuf of Gaidam LGA Borno State, killer Pastor King of Lagos will not rise to teach some fallacies and hoodwink the people ultimately leading to loss of lives and destruction of properties. I could remember Pastor Sunday I. Peters, Pastor Timi Emmanuel who have been displaced for risk of assassination by members of Boko Haram because of their standing for the truth. All Nigerians of goodwill should condemn in the strongest terms, these senseless attacks on the citizenry. These are the lessons of Boko Haram which Nigerians have learnt in the hard way. The freedom of religion enshrined in the Nigerian constitution should not be abused, as none of the Holy books have been rewritten to now contain new and strange teachings of how to get to heaven other than those already known, tested and believed by their adherents. May the souls of those innocent people that were killed in these senseless attacks rest in peace, amen.

Barrister Bunmi V. Osin

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Africa opens another chapter in fight against human trafficking

15 Apr 2011 17:24 Africa/Lagos

Africa opens another chapter in fight against human trafficking

ADDIS ABABA, March 25, 2010/African Press Organization (APO)/ -- Africa has launched a new two-pronged campaign to operationalise its four-year old continental instrument to address the challenges of trafficking in persons, particularly women and children through regional workshops and the launching of the African Union's Initiative against Trafficking (AU.COMMIT) in the Regional Economic Communities (REC”s). The latest initiative, a joint programme of the African Union, ECOWAS, the International Organisation on Migration (IOM) and the UN Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC), would develop a road map for implementing the Ouagadougou Action Plan agreed by the African Union in 2006.

“The workshop is of critical importance to countries of Africa and to the Regional Economic Communities (REC's) considering that it is the second in a series of planned launches of the COMMIT campaign that has the critical goal of aligning the Ouagadougou Action Plan with those of the various REC's,” ECOWAS President Ambassador Victor Gbeho said in a message to the workshop and launching for West Africa on Wednesday, 24th March 2010 at the ECOWAS Commission in Abuja, Nigeria.

The Ouagadougou Action Plan prioritizes a host of activities for implementation, reflecting the dimensions of the scourge in the areas of prevention, creating awareness, victim protection and assistance, instituting an appropriate legal regime, policy development, law enforcement, cooperation and coordination.

“Exploitation lies at the centre of the concept of trafficking in persons,” Ambassador Gheho said in a message read by Commissioner Adrienne Diop to the 60 participants at the three-day workshop, blaming “certain social and economic realities” for this burgeoning criminal enterprise, particularly the “widespread poverty, unemployment, conflicts, political oppression and insecurity.”

The AU's Commissioner for Social Affairs, Bience Gawanas said the enactment of instruments such as the Trafficking in Persons Protocol and the Ouagadougou Action Plan have served to galvanise member states, resulting in a virtual doubling of the number of states that have enacted anti-trafficking legislation between 2003 and 2008.

These instruments, she further said, have contributed to securing more convictions of traffickers and the rescue of an increasing number of victims and blamed the uncoordinated and slow criminal justice response system as well as the vulnerable economic environment and volatile political situations for the increasing number of trafficked persons. (the complete speech of Commissioner Gawanas is available on the AU website:

In her speech, the UN Special Reporter on Trafficking in Persons, Joy Ezeilo warned that the current global economic crunch could ‘exacerbate the desperation and the quest for human security, survival and development that fuels the trafficking in persons.'

“Trafficking for exploitation is more likely to escalate particularly during this global economic crisis and increasing poverty caused by massive unemployment and the employer's tendency to use cheap labour in order to cut costs and maximize profits,” she told the participants.

In order to address this aspect, the UN official called for training for labour inspectors to enable them to appreciate the interface between migration and trafficking and to enhance the mechanism for the identification of trafficked persons in exploitative and mixed migration situations.

While taking measures to address the root causes, she said “innovative approaches” were needed to combat the huge problem of human trafficking through the synergy of international, regional and national strategies that will address all the dimensions of the scourge.

Furthermore, she urged AU Member States to urgently adopt national work plans, establish an agency or institution specifically with responsibility of coordinating action on human trafficking, and appoint a national reporter to oversee the progress and fast track data collection and ensure proper coordination of anti trafficking efforts. In order to address the cross border dimensions of the challenge and secure the welfare of the victims, she stressed the need to partner with other regions and regional institutions such as the League of Arab States and countries in the Middle East to protect and promote the well-being of trafficking victims.

In opening the workshop, Nigeria's solicitor general said the country had demonstrated its commitment to domesticate relevant international instruments against trafficking in persons by enacting a local legislation that was signed into law in 2003, making the country one of the few in the world with specific national legislations against the activities of human traffickers.

Specifically, he said the establishment of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons and other Related Matters in August 2003 represents a “strong demonstration of the government's resolve to protect vulnerable citizens, especially women and children to secure the future of our youths.”

In January 2007, the African Union through its Executive Council Decision endorsed the Ouagadougou Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings, Especially Women and Children. The decision called upon the Chairperson of the AU Commission in collaboration with IOM and other partners to advocate for the implementation of the Action Plan.

Moreover, it urged the Commission and the IOM to assist Member States with the development and implementation of sound migration policies aimed at addressing this scourge. Under the Ouagadougou plan, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission is required to file periodic reports on the status of implementation of the plan. In addition, it called on the international community to continue providing assistance towards the attainment of the objectives contained in the Ouagadougou Action Plan.

Source: African Union Commission (AUC)

A Girl from Nigeria

Whatever Peter Abel, a celebrated undercover reporter, has been through before, nothing prepares him for the murder of his friend and colleague by suspected women traffickers. Abel gets deeper into trouble with the heinous syndicate of international criminals when he tries to save an underage girl, Alice, who is about to be raped in Lagos. But soon Alice disappears leaving behind a devastated mother, and a violent father.Abel s search for Alice takes him through various human trafficking routes, to destinations including the United States and the United Kingdom. Abel is threatened, shot at and even framed for murder in the US, but he knows he will never find peace until he avenges his colleague s murder and saves Alice, even if it is from the laps of a US Congressman in Washington D.C.

About the Author
Bisi Daniels is the pen name of the prolific writer, Bisi Ojediran. A graduate of the University of Ghana, Legon, he is now the Chairman of the Editorial Board of THIS DAY newspaper. Prior to that, he was Business Editor of two of Nigeria's most influential newspapers, including The Guardian, before he started work in the oil industry. He joined Elf Petroleum as Media Relations Manager in 1995, moving on to Shell Petroleum, and has recently returned to journalism.Bisi has now written over twenty books, including eight novels.