Wednesday, February 9, 2011

President Goodluck Jonathan I Dey Laugh O

President Goodluck Jonathan, you dey make me laugh o.

You see your wayoway politics.

It Matters That Nigeria Conducts Credible Elections - Commonwealth

A Nigerian voter. Photo Credit: Daily Mail, UK.

9 Feb 2011 18:16 Africa/Lagos

It Matters That Nigeria Conducts Credible Elections - Commonwealth

ABUJA, Nigeria, February 9, 2011/PRNewswire/ -- The Commonwealth is at an advanced stage of preparations for the monitoring of elections in Nigeria, Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba said on Wednesday at the end of a four-day visit to the West African country.

During her visit, Ms Masire-Mwamba and her delegation engaged key actors and stakeholders involved in the forthcoming elections, and re-affirmed the Commonwealth's support and expectations for a peaceful and credible process.

She spoke at a news conference in the Nigerian capital, Abuja.

"The Commonwealth takes a keen interest in elections across its membership. Nigeria is a valued member with whom we have a strong and mutual beneficial engagement. It is also a key member of the association which contributes and participates actively in Commonwealth activities - including hosting CHOGM in 2003, and producing a Secretary-General of the Commonwealth," Ms Masire-Mwamba said.

"Nigeria is a leader on the continent, playing a significant role in promoting peace, and in regional economic growth and development.

"It matters to the Commonwealth, Africa and the world that Nigeria and other member states conduct credible elections.

"Since arriving in Abuja on Sunday, I have met with leaders of political parties, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), civil society representatives and the international community. I have listened to their views on how the process is going, and discussed the progress as well as the challenges. In all our meetings, we have had candid and open discussions.

"Stakeholders have noted positive steps in the preparations so far. I am hopeful that if all actors - politicians, civil society, the public, and you, members of the media continue to play your expected roles, there can be an outcome that reflects the will and aspirations of the people.

"Any election is a complex and challenging undertaking and requires the cooperation and support of all stakeholders. Political leaders and parties must display political will to ensure a credible process. The people need to show faith in the democratic process and participate in it. It is crucial that violence is avoided by all means, and the rule of law must be allowed to prevail. All must ensure that both the process and outcome meet Commonwealth values as well as international and regional electoral benchmarks to which Nigeria has committed itself.

"On our part, we will remain engaged and offer support and assistance as requested.

"We wish the people of Nigeria a most successful, peaceful and credible election," Ms Masire-Mwamba concluded.

For media enquiries, please contact Julius Mucunguzi, Media Officer, on +234-7063597240 or +44-7894-593-517, email:

Source: The Commonwealth Secretariat

For media enquiries, please contact Julius Mucunguzi, Media Officer, on +234-7063597240 or +44-7894-593-517, email:

110,931,700 million online visitors expected at Ghana Trade Expo

Not less than 110,931,700 million online visitors worldwide are expected to hit Ghana Trade Expo from the 25th February 2011 to 25th March 2011. This is the first ever online trade expo in Ghana coinciding with the International Trade Fair being held in Accra,Ghana from February 2011.

The objective of the expo,in the words of Duncan Abel- Executive Director of The Ghana Association of Home Based Entrepreneurs (GAHBE)(organisers of the expo),is to expose the products,services and businesses of various companies to the growing internet users from Ghana-1,297,000 million, Nigeria-43,982,200 million( as sourced from,the millions in the United States,the United Kingdom,Asian continent,the South Americas,the Carribeans and the vast African population using the power of the internet.

Click here to read the details.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ghanaian Boy Reunites with his Parents in America 13 years after They Won Visa Lottery

Kofi Oduro Nsenkyire and his mother Salomey Sarbeng embracing for the first time in the U.S.
Photo Copyright ©2011, Juice.

Ghanaian boy reunites with his parents in America 13 after they won Visa Lottery

It was an emotional day and perhaps would be cherished as one of the happiest days in the life of Kofi the 16 year old Ghanaian boy who reunited with his beloved parents Salomey Sarbeng and Daniel Oduro at the Des Moines Int'l Airport Monday February 7, 2011 after 13 years of separation.

Kofi Oduro Nsenkyire’s parents immigrated to the U.S. in 1998 after winning a visa lottery, but Kofi had to stay behind with his grandparents, because the sponsors of his parents were not ready to accommodate children.

"I am very happy," Kofi enthused as he arrived the U.S. after 13 years and 6,100 miles of the Atlantic Ocean to embrace his parents and siblings he was seeing for the first time, brother Desire, 12; sister Yaa, 11; and sister Ama, 5 months who were born in America.

Click here for the full report by the Des Moines Register

Sarawak Embraces Ethnic Diversity

People of Sarawak

8 Feb 2011 03:00 Africa/Lagos

Sarawak Embraces Ethnic Diversity

KUTCHING, SARAWAK, Malaysia, February 8, 2011/PRNewswire/ -- One of the most attractive features of Sarawak, setting it apart from many of Malaysia's other states, is its cultural diversity. Sarawak has a population of 2.5 million, with 27 distinct indigenous ethnic groups that speak at least 45 different languages and dialects.

The State's socio-economic development has helped to develop a progressive community with a strong ethnic identity among its people regardless of their origins or religious beliefs. Half of Sarawak's population live in rural areas; the other half live in towns. Of the 27 ethnic groups, all except the Chinese and the Indians are indigenous. Sarawak's cities and towns are generally populated by Chinese and Malays and a growing number of indigenous people who have migrated from rural villages.

Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud said:

"A strong Sarawak cannot exist unless all races unite. We cannot build our State and fulfill our aspirations without working together."

Increasingly, employment and business opportunities are being created for the people of Sarawak, including those in rural areas predominantly populated by indigenous communities, as more industrial and commercial projects are implemented in the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE) development area. SCORE, one of five regional development corridors throughout Malaysia, will transform Sarawak into a developed state by 2020. Focussing on five major growth nodes - Tanjung Manis, Samalaju, Mukah, Baram and Tunoh - SCORE will develop 10 key industries including hydropower, heavy industry and tourism. Baram, currently a rural and underdeveloped area, will benefit from a new hydro dam. As a result, the district will attract a wide range of industries such as palm oil, pulp and paper and timber which will provide job opportunities for the indigenous people living there and ensure that Baram is not excluded from mainstream development.

Sarawak is also one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia because of its rich cultural diversity. A variety of colorful festivals, rituals and practices attract tourists all year around. Tucked away on the foothills of legendary Mount Santubong, 35 km from Kuching, is Sarawak's fascinating cultural showcase, the "Sarawak Cultural Village" which is also the venue for the internationally renowned Rainforest World Music Festival. This living museum depicts the heritage of Sarawak's major racial groups and portrays their respective lifestyles amidst 14 acres of tropical vegetation and attracts thousands of visitors a year.

The Ibans, members of a major ethnic group in Sarawak, were once the legendary warriors of Borneo; the most feared of the headhunting tribes. These days, they have adopted a peaceful agrarian lifestyle. There are also the Bidayuhs (land inhabitants), known as the "Land Dayaks"; the Melanau fishermen of Central Sarawak, and the multitude of upriver tribes who collectively form the Orang Ulu. The Penans are the guardians of the rainforest and although most of them have now formed permanent settlements, a negligible number of Penans still live in nomadic communities.

Source: Asia Newswire

Contact:, Phone: +60138269132, Viv Jemmett

Americans Divided on U.S. Involvement in Egypt

Phot Credit:

7 Feb 2011 18:21 Africa/Lagos

Americans Divided on U.S. Involvement in Egypt

Almost half of Republicans and Democrats think U.S. should be involved while almost half of Independents think the U.S. should not be involved

PR Newswire

NEW YORK, Feb. 7, 2011

NEW YORK, Feb. 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- As the political unrest in Egypt continues, there is a question of how involved the United States should be in helping to solve the problems. Should the U.S. sit on the sidelines or is it more appropriate for U.S. diplomats to be front and center on this issue? Americans are clearly divided on how involved the United States should be. Just over two in five U.S. adults (43%) believe the U.S. should be involved, with 12% saying very involved and 31% saying somewhat involved. Almost the same number (42%) believe the United States should not be involved with 21% each saying not very involved and not at all involved, while 15% of Americans are not at all sure how involved the U.S. should be.


These are some of the results of The Harris Poll ® of 2,060 adults surveyed online between February 2 and 4, 2011 by Harris Interactive®.

Ideas on involvement vary by age

When it comes to how involved the U.S. should be in the political unrest in Egypt right now, there are some differences that emerge by age. Almost half (48%) of those 55 and older as well as 45% of those 18-34 believe that the United States should be involved. Those 35-44 and 45-54 are of a different mind. Almost half (47%) of both of these age groups say the United States should not be involved in Egypt. In fact, over one-quarter of those 45-54 (26%) say the U.S. should not be involved at all.

Partisan agreement

There are not many things Democrats and Republicans agree on right now, but involvement in Egypt's current political unrest is one of them. Almost half of Democrats (48%) and Republicans (48%) say the U.S. should be involved while 40% of Republicans and 37% of Democrats say the U.S. should not be involved. Independents, however, think differently. Almost half of them (47%) say the United States should not be involved in the current unrest while two in five Independents (40%) believe the U.S. should be involved.

So what?

The political unrest in Egypt is not likely to disappear any time in the near future. Things may calm, but the tension will still be simmering. And, even when President Mubarak is no longer in power, there is no guarantee that the unrest will be over. Americans are all watching events unfold but, at the moment, seem to be unclear as to the level of involvement the United States should have. As things evolve there, likely so will attitudes in the U.S.

More details.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sylva is a drowning man – Alaibe


Sylva is a drowning man – Alaibe

Labour Party (LP) governorship candidate in Bayelsa State, Timi Alaibe, regarded as the biggest threat to Governor Timipre Sylva’s second term bid, spoke with some journalists in Abuja during the week on his tenure as Special Adviser to the President on Niger Delta and Chief Executive Officer of the Amnesty Programme. Deputy Editor, SAM AKPE, was there. Excerpts…

In the last one year or so, you have been busy helping the Federal Government implement the Amnesty programme for ex-militants in the Niger Delta. What is your candid assessment of the programme? Put differently, would you say the problem of militancy has been solved in the Niger Delta?

You have asked a very direct question and I shall attempt to give you a direct answer. Over all, the Amnesty programme has been a resounding success. I make bold to assert that the programme will go down in history as the sincerest effort by the Federal Government to address the Niger Delta question. You would recall that the late President Umaru Yar’Adua had on June 25, 2009, proclaimed a 60-day unconditional amnesty period for militants in the Niger Delta, as a step towards resolving the protracted insecurity in the region. The terms of the amnesty included the willingness and readiness of militants to surrender their arms, and unconditionally renounce militancy and sign an undertaking to this effect. In return, the government pledged its commitment to institute programmes to assist their disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and provision of re-integration assistance to the ex-militants. In other words, the programme was structured to have three broad components. One, a security component dealing with the disarmament and demobilization of the various militant groups in the Niger Delta; two, an economic component with commitment to provide access to re-integration opportunities for the ex-militants; and three, to promote the economic development of the Niger Delta. Flowing from this, we proceeded to execute what has become, perhaps, the most successful disarmament exercise in the history of DDR (Disarmament, Demobilization and Re-integration) in Africa. By October 2009, (some) 20,192 ex-militants had willingly disarmed, turned in huge cache of arms and ammunition to security agencies and got enrolled in the programme. Going back to your question, I insist that the Amnesty programme has been a resounding success. Where we are currently would be better appreciated when viewed from the pedestal of where we were prior to the amnesty proclamation.

Can you explain that?

Let me take you down memory lane. By January 2009, militancy in the Niger Delta had virtually crippled Nigeria’s economy. Investment inflow to the upstream sub-sector of the oil industry had dwindled remarkably. Exasperated foreign investors had begun re-directing their investments to Angola and Ghana as preferred destinations over Nigeria. At that point, Angola surpassed Nigeria as Africa’s highest crude oil producer. This dwindling investment in the critical oil and gas sector threatened Nigeria’s capacity to grow its crude oil reserves as planned.
Like you may well know, Nigeria targeted 40 billion barrels proven reserves by end of 2010. Clearly, insecurity in the Niger Delta was identified as key reason investors were leaving for more stable business opportunities in Africa. For example, due to militant activities in the Niger Delta, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) by early 2009 had declared force majure on its operations, which caused a drop in its production capacity from one million bpd to about 250,000 bpd. ExxonMobil also experienced increased insurgent activities in its Nigerian operations. Sabotage, oil siphoning rackets and kidnappings of oil workers by suspected militants further threatened the operations of the oil companies and exerted immense pressure on the Nigerian economy. Worse still, citing insecurity, union officials all too often called strikes to protest insecure working environment. It got to a point where Nigeria’s export dwindled to as low as 700,000 bpd, compared with a targeted 2.2 million bpd for the first quarter of 2009. In 2008 alone, it was estimated that Nigeria lost over N3 trillion as a result of militancy in the Niger Delta.

So what has happened since the commencement of the programme implementation, especially in the oil sector?

Shortly after the October 4, 2009, deadline for Niger Delta militants to accept Federal Government’s amnesty offer expired, the government and other stakeholders began counting the positive results from the exercise. With peace restored in the Niger Delta, oil companies and associated companies re-opened shut-in wells; Nigeria’s oil production increased from 700,000 bpd to 2.3 mbpd; construction of East-West Road resumed; kidnapping in the core Niger Delta states drastically reduced; oil bunkering reduced; crime rate declined; signs that the process would succeed accelerated economic development across the nation. With cessation of hostilities, government began giving assurances that Nigeria can once again fill its OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) quota and be trusted by major consumer nations to meet its contractual obligations; Nigeria LNG’s reputation as a reliable supplier of LNG cargoes was restored; with renewed confidence in the international oil market, Nigeria began to exercise more influence in the supply and pricing of oil and, of course, repairs of oil and gas infrastructure damaged during the unfortunate era of militant agitation speedily commenced, while contractors handling development projects also were given lee-way to fast-track their efforts to assure the ex-militants of government’s determination to ensure sustainable development in the Niger Delta. Finally on this matter, let me clarify that while it is true that the late Yar’Adua initiated the Amnesty programme, it is important to place on record that when it seemed that the programme was floundering, it was President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan that revved it up, gave it fresh impetus and provided all that was needed to attain the success that we are talking about today.

So in what state was the Amnesty programme before you resigned in December 2010?

Yes, as at December 2010, (some) 12,917 ex-militants had undertaken non-violence transformational training at the Demobilization Camp we sited at Obubra, Cross River State. For this demobilization exercise in the camp, we engaged experts from Nigeria, South Africa and the United States of America. The transformational/reorientation activities in the camp are tailored to extinguish the belief of the ex-militants in violence and provide them a more powerful alternative – non-violence. In camp, they are taught to promote non-violent method in bringing about a better Niger Delta. The concept of non-violence is a method that is non-aggressive physically but dynamically aggressive spiritually. We inculcate in the ex-militants the fact that non-violence is for the courageous; that only cowards utilise violence as a means of conflict resolution; that the non-violent resister is just as opposed to the evil that he is standing against as the violent resister, but he resists without violence. In the non-violent approach, the attack is directed against the forces of evil, rather than persons who are caught in those forces. It uses the power of love. It is based on the conviction and belief from the long tradition of our Christian faith that the Almighty God is on the side of truth and justice. It is this deep faith in the future that makes the non-violent person to accept suffering without retaliation. The camp also provides career guidance designed to assist ex-militants determine their career aspirations going forward in terms of education, vocational and entrepreneurial skills. After the non-violence training and career classification in the camp, the ex-militants are placed in skills acquisition or training centres, both in Nigeria and offshore. As at December 2010, a total of 4,759 ex-militants who had passed through the non-violence training programme had been assigned to 57 skills acquisition/training centres in 13 states of the federation, while the 2,618 had been slated for training offshore. Indeed, just before my exit, we had sent 38 of them to South Africa. Another 200 delegates, as we now call them, are ready to leave for Ghana for vocational training. The overall re-integration agenda is to groom these ex-militants to become key players in the emerging economies of the Niger Delta – be it in construction, oil and gas, railways, tourism etc. Luckily, the Local Content Act and the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) currently in the works in the National Assembly support this aspiration to get transformed and properly skilled ex-militants play key roles in the nation’s oil and gas industry. The final objective, of course, will be to get the trained ex-militants gainfully employed.

Is it not ironical that you are talking so eloquently about the restoration of peace in the Niger Delta while it is on record that a bomb goes off almost every day in your home state, Bayelsa, which is one of the Niger Delta states? In fact, it is even believed that the spate of violence in Bayelsa is threatening your campaign to become the next governor of the state.

Let’s get one fact clear here; the administrative rot in Bayelsa is not a reflection of the success or otherwise of the Amnesty programme. The violence in Bayelsa is politically-driven; the bombings and incessant attacks are induced and sponsored by the state government. Let me pointedly discuss this matter. There is simply no government in place in the State. There is no focused leadership. What you see is an illusion of a presence of a government. After almost four years in the saddle, the so-called incumbent governor has absolutely nothing to campaign with: no programmes, no projects; absolutely nothing, other than the deception that you see on the front pages of some newspapers that he calls his ‘strides.’ What strides? The so-called ‘strides’ have become a butt of joke, even among children. Imagine a state governor listing, as part of his achievements in four years, the fumigation of Okolobiri Hospital! Or is it the huge fraud of unseen and unknown ‘concrete roads and foot-bridges’ he has been listing as part of his ‘strides’? A state government receiving derivation income in billions of naira every month is priding itself as constructing foot-bridges and fumigating a hospital at this time and age. Then, what would the local government do? He is just wasting Bayelsa money to embarrass himself on the front pages of newspapers. Because he has achieved nothing in four years, he has nothing to campaign with; absolutely nothing to tell the electorate, so he is determined to stop other aspirants from campaigning. Can you imagine the governor of a state sponsoring violence disrupt the campaign rallies of other candidates, and at the same time shamelessly accusing the opponents of being afraid to campaign? We will not be cowed; we will not succumb to these dastardly antics of a rejected and drowning man. So, do not use the Bayelsa situation to judge the Niger Delta region. When last did you hear that a bomb went off in other Niger Delta states? By the grace of God, Bayelsa will turn a new page on May 29 this year. To further underscore the failings of the current government in Bayelsa, baseline statistics during the disarmament phase of the Amnesty programme, indicated that Bayelsa has the highest number of militant camps in the Niger Delta. These are patriotic youths of this country who, in the absence of care, resorted to militancy and other forms of self help. Over 9,000 youths of Bayelsa origin are currently enrolled in both phases of the Amnesty programme, the highest number from any state. This throws up the nature of the challenge of unemployed youths in the state because the number mentioned here does not even include those who are not in the Amnesty programme. The current government, meanwhile, has no plans or programmes for the huge population of the unemployed in the state. It got its priorities wrong, or how would it budget N1 billion in 2011 to construct golf course in the state. Golf course for who? Should this be a priority at this time? That man has no vision, even for himself. God will deliver Bayelsa from him.

In a recent interview, Sylva boasted that you are not known in Bayelsa State; that claims in certain quarters that the president backs you are false. The governor even lampooned you as a political ant and that the Labour Party in Bayelsa is nothing but a political graveyard of sorts?

I find it rather time-wasting joining issues with Sylva. I did not read this interview you are talking about, but my associates and aides drew my attention to it and excerpts were actually brought to me. The truth is that the man is simply scared. He knows that the game is up. Bayelsans desperately seek a fresh and better start. Typical of all drowning persons, he is seeking to cling to anything to stay afloat. He has resorted to name-calling and utter falsehood. But I think we should discuss issues and not nonentities. Overcoming the daunting, albeit embarrassing, challenges Bayelsa faces today requires a new vision. Bayelsans are determined, more than ever before, to move forward together, for the challenges we face are bigger than party and politics. It is not about LP, PDP or any other party. Sylva’s government has no sense of direction. Look at all the governors in the South South, from Rivers to Delta to Akwa Ibom to Edo to Cross River; they are opening up roads, building over-head bridges, hospitals, introducing and sustaining quality free education and healthcare projects, empowering their people. Sylva is busy advertising his failure in the media. Do you know how much he spends a week advertising those failures on the pages of newspapers? Add this to the regime of indebtedness he has thrown the state into. The governor should please tell the Bayelsa people the specific development projects that accounted for about N100 billion debt profile he has accumulated for the state. He should be worried about mismanaging the financial and general goodwill of Bayelsa people. Bayelsans are much more concerned about rescuing the state from his mediocre administration. A political party is a mere platform to contest elections. When elected, it is your duty to provide leadership. When you achieve results, nobody cares about your party platform. Sylva has every reason to fret; his cup is full. He is going. He is simply seeking to obfuscate the facts of the politics in Bayelsa today. All Bayelsans support President Jonathan. Indeed, I chose the LP because I support Jonathan. LP is not fielding a presidential candidate in the April elections. Therefore, Jonathan is my presidential candidate. He is the candidate of all well-meaning Nigerians and, by the grace of God, he will emerge resoundingly victorious in the presidential election. So, the current governor of Bayelsa has no escape route. He cannot blackmail Bayelsans to re-elect him, to reward him for crass ineptitude, simply because he is of the same party with the president. No, no it will not happen; our situation is peculiar and urgent; the collective mission of Bayelsa people is to, first and foremost, rescue our state from the grips of failure.

In a publication, you were quoted as saying you left PDP to embarrass the president.

I’m sure the president himself must have laughed when he read that because he knows the truth. I have been told that Sylva is using that as a campaign issue. The man is recklessly desperate. I really don’t think I need to comment on this because when my attention was drawn to that false and manipulated report, I quickly issued a corrigendum which was well-published by the same paper the following day. That cancelled the previous publication. My relationship with the president is well-known. It is unthinkable that I would say such a thing. When I wanted to leave the PDP for obvious reasons, as a mark of respect, I informed the president and other senior party leaders. Permit me not to disclose the details of our discussions. I acted based on the advice of the political leaders of Bayelsa. I left PDP to seek a neutral platform for the actualisation of the peoples’ vision. With our deep knowledge of the delegate system of voting in the primaries of the PDP whereby a sitting governor decides who should vote, we knew clearly that Sylva would rig the process to his advantage. I am in LP to fulfil the aspiration of overwhelming majority of Bayelsans who desperately desire that the state be rescued from the claws of its current clueless leadership. Never in my life would I contemplate embarrassing the man who gave me the opportunity to implement a programme that has turned around the economy of Nigeria by bringing peace to the Niger Delta.

Are you saying that your aspiration under LP enjoys the support of the president?

My brother, for about one year, I worked very closely and directly with His Excellency, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, as his Special Adviser on Niger Delta. He is a man intensely focused on success; he abhors embarrassing situations, hates failures and loves peace and peaceful environment. I am contesting to be governor of Bayelsa to lead others to free the president and all Bayelsans from the embarrassment that the current state government has become. Do you remember that when the president visited Bayelsa, Sylva was booed and stoned by the people, in the presence of the president of this country? Nothing could have been more embarrassing. He was stoned, booed and insulted. I don’t have any iota of doubt in my mind that Mr. President wants his state to be better governed, developed, peaceful and habitable. I can assure you that from May 29 this year, President Jonathan will be spending his weekends in the new Bayelsa of our dream.

Sylva calls you a political ant.

Let’s discuss issues. Leave Sylva and his ranting alone. He is not worth any decent discussion. I’m not into name-calling. If I were a political ant in Bayelsa, why is he panicky? Why is he sending people to attack opponents everywhere they go to? Why is he running an illegal security outfit called Famutangbe (meaning ‘kill and throw away’ in Izon language)? This is the extent Governor Sylva loathes our people; maintaining a security outfit with a name reminiscent of a declaration of violence against the same people he swore to protect. Why would a governor set up a killer squad under the guise of maintaining peace and security in the state? The same squad supervises the pulling down of billboards of political opponents of the governor without anybody calling it to order. Look, let’s get serious: Bayelsans know me like the back of their hands. All my working life, I have done all I can, all that was within my powers, to bring development to the state. Today, a substantial chunk of the development projects in our state is attributable to my previous service in various spheres, including my service in the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC). I am talking of infrastructure and mega developmental projects, particularly roads and bridges construction, shoreline protection, reclamation and canalisation. The excerpts of his interview that I saw, he was talking of uncompleted NDDC projects; what is that supposed to mean? Has NDDC folded up? So, simply because some NDDC projects are on-going or pending in Bayelsa, Timi Alaibe, who left there some years ago, should be blamed? Governors of other Niger Delta states are busy piling pressure on the NDDC to initiate projects or complete on-going projects in their states. Sylva obviously hates NDDC projects because they remind him of Alaibe. That’s pettiness! He spoke also of the Niger Delta Masterplan, which he said we executed at the cost of N25 billion or N45 billion. You can imagine a governor descending to the level of peddling rumours for lack of what to do. For the avoidance of doubt, the masterplan did not cost this amount. Unknown to people, the two lead consultants to the master plan (GTZ International/Wilbahi Engineering Consortium and Norman and Dawbarn Consortium) were companies sponsored and led by two prominent Ijaw personalities; both of them incidentally from Governor Sylva’s senatorial district. More interesting is the fact that Governor Sylva’s company, Sylvasky Nigeria Limited, led the group that provided sector consultancy on tourism. If the project cost the amount he has announced, then NDDC must have paid the money to the lead consultants and himself. I am waiting for him to publish his facts. He is a confused man. Like I said, Bayelsans know me; I have always given the state and indeed the entire Niger Delta region my best and my all. As the Special Adviser to the President on Niger Delta, I worked round-the-clock and even took risks to rid our state and other states in the Niger Delta of militancy. I am proud to say that today we have paved the way for a better future for these our brothers and sisters who are currently in first-class skills acquisition centres across the country and abroad. As governor of Bayelsa State, I shall, by the grace of God, do much more. We will invest in major critical infrastructure that will involve the construction of roads and bridges that will open up our land-locked communities, villages and towns. We shall reclaim lands from the sea, rivers as well as creeks and protect our shores. We shall diversify the economy of Bayelsa to empower our people and create job opportunities.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Florida man stabbed because he is Muslim

6 Feb 2011 18:17 Africa/Lagos

TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 6, 2011

TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Tampa chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on elected officials nationwide to repudiate growing Islamophobia in American society following an attack on a Florida man who was allegedly stabbed because he is Muslim.

According to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, the alleged attacker stabbed the Muslim victim in the neck during a Friday night discussion of religion. The stabbing reportedly occurred after the victim said he is Muslim.

A police report of the incident quotes the alleged assailant, who was charged with aggravated battery, as saying that “Muslims are the root of the problem.”

SEE: Deputies: St. Pete Man Stabbed Victim Because He’s Muslim

St. Petersburg Man Accused of Hate Crime Against Muslim

“Elected officials in Florida and nationwide must begin to address the rising level of Islamophobia in our society that can lead to violent incidents or acts of discrimination targeting ordinary Muslims,” said CAIR-Tampa Communications Director Ramzy Kilic.

He noted that a California man faces terrorism charges for allegedly plotting to set off explosives last month at a Michigan mosque.
SEE: Mosque Bomb Suspect Rejects Muslim Lawyer

Kilic added that CAIR has recently called for hate crime probes of incidents such as vandalism at a Missouri mosque and that CAIR’s San Antonio, Texas, chapter is challenging the refusal of a private school association in that state to admit an Islamic school.

SEE: TAPPS Again Says ‘No’ to Muslims

A number of states are currently seeking to enact legislation that would stigmatize Islam and marginalize American Muslims.

SEE: SC Bill Would Nullify Islamic Law in State Courts

Other recent hate incidents targeting American Muslim institutions and houses of worship have included an arson attack on an Oregon mosque, an arson attack on a mosque in Texas, threats against an Islamic school in Oklahoma, a bias attack outside an Ohio mosque, shots fired outside a New York mosque, an arson attack on the site of a planned mosque in Tennessee, a threat to a previously-bombed Ohio mosque, the defacement of a South Carolina mosque, hate mail sent to mosques, Islamic centers and Muslim organizations in Michigan and Ohio, and a bomb attack at a Florida mosque in May of last year.

The FBI also recently offered a reward for information about a possible bias-motivated blaze in the parking lot of a Louisiana mosque.

CAIR is urging American Muslim individuals and institutions to review advice on security procedures contained in its “Muslim Community Safety Kit.”

SEE: Muslim Community Safety Kit

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

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CONTACT: CAIR-Tampa Communications Director Ramzy Kilic, 813-766-2745, E-Mail:; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail:

SOURCE Council on American-Islamic Relations
CONTACT: CAIR-Tampa Communications Director Ramzy Kilic, +1-813-766-2745, E-Mail:; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, +1-202-744-7726, E-Mail:
Web Site:

Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
4 Feb 2011

Archaeology Professor on Egypt Turmoil and Threat to Ancient Relics, Antiquities
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sony Pictures Casting Call for Lead Role in Screen Gems' Mortal Instruments

5 Feb 2011 01:55 Africa/Lagos

Sony Pictures' Face of the Fan® Begins Casting Call for Lead Role in Screen Gems' Mortal Instruments

PR Newswire

CULVER CITY, Calif., Feb. 4, 2011

CULVER CITY, Calif., Feb. 4, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Think you've got what it takes to play the male lead in Screen Gems' film adaptation of Cassandra Clare's best-selling series, Mortal Instruments? If you can play age 18-25 and think you're right for Jace Wayland, you just might land the part through Sony Pictures Entertainment's Face of the Fan®, an initiative for finding new talent, which has launched a casting call for the film.

By visiting, users nationwide can now participate in this casting call, which launched on Friday, January 28th. The audition consists of the user's contact info, a headshot photo, and a video (two minutes or less) of the person auditioning in which he answers a question: "Why are you the right person to play Jace Wayland in the upcoming movie?" The audition submission process will end on February 25th.

When asked to describe the Jace Wayland's character, the book's author, Cassandra Clare wrote: fighting, hunting, and killing demons are the things Jace is good at. Though the jagged scars and black runic marks on his body are a badge of honor as far as he's concerned, he keeps a lot to himself – like the fact that his parents were murdered by Valentine's servants in front of him when he was ten years old. There are a lot of things Jace doesn't talk about — until he meets Clary, a mundane girl who might see him better than he can see himself. The connection that binds them will force Jace to confront the black secrets of a past he never wanted to remember. The film version of Cassandra Clare's popular book series is currently in active development with Screen Gems and the theatrical release is anticipated in the coming year.

Face of the Fan® launched in November 2010 with a casting call for Screen Gems' and Lakeshore Entertainment's successful action franchise Underworld. Users from across the country logged onto the website, downloaded select pages from a script to rehearse, and then uploaded their audition video and other credentials for submission. The submitted videos were then reviewed by a panel of studio and production executives and selected participants were considered by casting agents for future roles. The site also helped users spread the word and expand the conversation by providing them with the tools to share the programs with their family and friends through social networking.

The concept for Face of the Fan® builds on several past initiatives from Sony Pictures, in which uber-fans were chosen to participate in various marketing-related activities. Whether meeting talent on the red carpet, interviewing them at Comic-Con, or becoming guest correspondents covering the movies, these contests allowed the winning fans to get close to actors and filmmakers like never before and share their experiences online with their friends, family, and other fans.

About Sony Pictures Entertainment

Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) is a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America, a subsidiary of Tokyo-based Sony Corporation. SPE's global operations encompass motion picture production and distribution; television production and distribution; home entertainment acquisition and distribution; a global channel network; digital content creation and distribution; operation of studio facilities; development of new entertainment products, services and technologies; and distribution of entertainment in more than 140 countries. Sony Pictures Entertainment can be found on the World Wide Web at

SOURCE Sony Pictures Entertainment

CONTACT: Pat Shin, Publicist of Sony Pictures Entertainment,

Web Site:

Nigerian women have better taste than Nigerian men in romance

Photo Credit: The Serene Bride

Nigerian women have better taste than Nigerian men in romance

If you take time to examine the relationships of Nigerian women and men, you will find out that the women are more intelligent and sophisticated in their choices than the men.

Nigerian husbands are the most likely to be caught sleeping with their housemaids to catching Nigerian wives sleeping with their houseboys or servants. Meaning Nigerian men can sleep with any girl or woman, but Nigerian women cannot sleep with just any boy or man.

A Nigerian male executive with all the "Big Boy" status and swagger can rush to pull down his pants to have sex with the impressionable "Agege Bread" seller or Orange hawker even if she is dirty. But the Nigerian "Big Girl" will not even be caught flirting with any boy or man beneath her status or the class of her peers.

I have seen Nigerian "Big Boys" chasing what we call “bush meat” or half educated girls and women they can intimidate for cheap sex.
They resort to these cheaper options when the "Big Girls" bluff or rebuff them. So, they look for the poor secondary school leaver or undergraduate they can easily get with their cheap gifts and treats.

If the Big "Nokia" or "Blackberry" babies are playing hard to get, they might as well go for the poor babes who have little or no choice.

Like in Lagos city in Nigeria, the poor pretty ones from the ghettos of Mushin, Ajegunle and Shomolu are cheaper and easier for the "Big Boys" than dating the rich pretty babies in the upscale middle class Surulere, Ikeja, Anthony and upper class Ikoyi, Victoria Island and Lekki.

You can pose for the poor ghetto babies they can impress and brag about travelling to America or the UK, but not to the rich babies who spend their holidays and go for shopping trips in America, the UK, Spain, Italy and other fashionable destinations.

Nigerian "Big Girls" are more informed on the latest trends in vogue and have acquired more highbrow sophistication than the Nigerian "Big Boys" who in most cases are upstarts anyway. You see "Big Boys" who cannot even speak good English. So, they would prefer "toasting" the less educated poor girls to bending backwards to impress the more cultured "Big Girls".

~ By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima