26 Nov 2009 16:36 Africa/Lagos
The UN Secretary-General Message on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2 December 2009
NEW YORK, November 26, 2009/African Press Organization (APO)/ -- On the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, we express our commitment to the complete eradication of slavery and slavery-like practices.
Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “no one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and slave trade shall prohibited in all their forms”. Yet slavery remains a grave and unresolved problem. This is true in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe.
In our globalized world, new forms of slavery have taken shape. The list of abhorrent practices, new and old, is now shockingly long, and includes debt bondage, serfdom, forced labour, child labour and servitude, trafficking of persons and human organs, sexual slavery, the use of child soldiers, the sale of children, forced marriage and the sale of wives, and the exploitation of prostitution.
The majority of those who suffer are the poor and socially excluded groups such as minorities and migrants. The overlapping factors of poverty, class and race create structural problems and cycles of marginalization that are hard to break.
Indigenous peoples are more exposed to bonded labour because in many countries they have limited access to land. Gender inequalities and discrimination, lack of education, desperation for work and demand for cheap labour also trap people. The global economic and financial crisis threatens to heighten vulnerability further still.
Combating slavery means not only its direct prohibition by law but also fighting against poverty, illiteracy, economic and social disparities, gender discrimination and violence against women and children. We need to enforce laws against slavery; create mechanisms to combat such practices; reinforce bilateral, regional and international cooperation, including with non-governmental organizations that assist victims; and launch awareness raising campaign.
On this International Day, let us renew our pledge to assist and protect the victims and to do our utmost to ensure the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family.
Source: United Nations - Office of the Spokesperson
Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
26 Nov 2009
Usbekistan 2020 feiert den Astronomen Mirzo Ulugbek
Dex Hamilton Goes Global with New Movie
Air China fliegt 10.000 Pilger nach Mekka
Côte d'Ivoire / L'ONUCI favorise le dialogue intercommunautaire dans la région des savanes
The UN Secretary-General Message on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2 December 2009
African Union Commission and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa First Forum for Strategic Partners Dialogue
Validation workshop on African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Initiative (AST II)
Sénégal / Mali / Changements climatiques et sécurité alimentaire.
Rentabiliweb : nouvelle acceleration de la croissance au troisieme trimestre 2009
Mining Employers and Career Seekers Participate for Free in Canada's First Mining Virtual Career Fair
Uzbekistan 2020 Celebrated in Paris the Astronomer Mirzo Ulughbeg in presence of Buzz Aldrin
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Majorities Reject Banning Defamation of Religion: 20 Nation Poll
23 Nov 2009 06:01 Africa/Lagos
Majorities Reject Banning Defamation of Religion: 20 Nation Poll
COLLEGE PARK, Md., Nov. 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As the UN General Assembly prepares to debate a proposal calling for nations to take action against the defamation of religion, majorities in 13 of 20 nations polled around the world support the right to criticize a religion.
On average, across all countries polled, 57% of respondents agree that "people should be allowed to publicly criticize a religion because people should have freedom of speech." However, an average of 34% of respondents agree that governments "should have the right to fine or imprison people who publicly criticize a religion because such criticism could defame the religion."
WorldPublicOpinion.org conducted the poll of 18,487 respondents in 20 nations. This includes many of the largest nations -- India, the United States, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Russia -- as well as Mexico, Chile, Germany, Great Britain, France, Poland, Ukraine, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, the Palestinian territories, and South Korea. Polling was also conducted in Taiwan and Hong Kong. The margins of error range from +/-3 to 4 percentage points. The surveys were conducted across the different nations between April 25 and July 9, 2009.
Support for the right to criticize religion is strongest in the United States, with 89%, compared to just 9% support for government restrictions. Though the strongest supporters of restrictions on criticism of religions are in Muslim countries, a separate poll by WPO in 2008 showed that overwhelming majorities said it is at least somewhat important for people to have the right to express any opinion, including criticism of the government or religious leaders. In fact, clear majorities in every one of the 20 nations included in that poll took the same position, ranging from 69% in India to 98% in the United States.
The two non-Muslim countries where majorities responded to the recent WPO poll by saying governments should be able to fine or imprison people for criticizing religions are India and Nigeria. This suggests that their support of government restrictions may stem not from a popular push to defend Islam -- Muslims make up roughly half of Nigeria's population but just 13% of India's -- but from a broadly shared desire to reduce incidents of inter-religious violence.
Source: Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland
CONTACT: Steven Kull of the Program on International Policy Attitudes
(PIPA) at the University of Maryland, +1-202-232-7500
Majorities Reject Banning Defamation of Religion: 20 Nation Poll
COLLEGE PARK, Md., Nov. 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As the UN General Assembly prepares to debate a proposal calling for nations to take action against the defamation of religion, majorities in 13 of 20 nations polled around the world support the right to criticize a religion.
On average, across all countries polled, 57% of respondents agree that "people should be allowed to publicly criticize a religion because people should have freedom of speech." However, an average of 34% of respondents agree that governments "should have the right to fine or imprison people who publicly criticize a religion because such criticism could defame the religion."
WorldPublicOpinion.org conducted the poll of 18,487 respondents in 20 nations. This includes many of the largest nations -- India, the United States, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Russia -- as well as Mexico, Chile, Germany, Great Britain, France, Poland, Ukraine, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, the Palestinian territories, and South Korea. Polling was also conducted in Taiwan and Hong Kong. The margins of error range from +/-3 to 4 percentage points. The surveys were conducted across the different nations between April 25 and July 9, 2009.
Support for the right to criticize religion is strongest in the United States, with 89%, compared to just 9% support for government restrictions. Though the strongest supporters of restrictions on criticism of religions are in Muslim countries, a separate poll by WPO in 2008 showed that overwhelming majorities said it is at least somewhat important for people to have the right to express any opinion, including criticism of the government or religious leaders. In fact, clear majorities in every one of the 20 nations included in that poll took the same position, ranging from 69% in India to 98% in the United States.
The two non-Muslim countries where majorities responded to the recent WPO poll by saying governments should be able to fine or imprison people for criticizing religions are India and Nigeria. This suggests that their support of government restrictions may stem not from a popular push to defend Islam -- Muslims make up roughly half of Nigeria's population but just 13% of India's -- but from a broadly shared desire to reduce incidents of inter-religious violence.
Source: Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland
CONTACT: Steven Kull of the Program on International Policy Attitudes
(PIPA) at the University of Maryland, +1-202-232-7500
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Taiwan Reacts to Reports on “Asians are Eating a Blackman”
The office of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan has reacted to the horrifying and terrifying pictures of “Asians are eating a blackman” published and circulated on the street in Nigeria and on the Internet. The Department of African Affairs said such inhuman acts will never happen in Taiwan.
The following is the letter from the Foreign Affairs Office of Taiwan:
Below is the text of the email sent to Nigerians Report on “Asians are eating a blackman”:
The following is the letter from the Foreign Affairs Office of Taiwan:
Mr. Chima,
In reply to your email dated 29 Oct. 2009, we wish to inform that it is much to us disgust to see those shocking series of photos been posted and circulated on internet per you indicated links. We wish to further inform that the alleged “Asians are eating a blackman” did not and will not happen in Taiwan. As far as how true the story was and when and where did it happen, we regret that we can not verify.
Best regards,
Department of African Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Below is the text of the email sent to Nigerians Report on “Asians are eating a blackman”:
To all those who are worried about the Chinese (asian) invasion of Africa, see how Asians are eating a black African man.
The next Asian food you buy between Cairo and Cape Town, Dakar and Dar es Salam can contain the flesh of your relative, check all the four links:
A http://www.camer.be/index1.php?art=6452)
B http://www.camer.be/index1.php?art=6452)
C http://geotool.flagfox.net/?ip=
D http://www.en-nayef.net/forum/showthread.php?p=29036
Friday, November 20, 2009
US Department of State / Opening Remarks for Hearing on Counterterrorism in Africa (Sahel Region)
19 Nov 2009 13:32 Africa/Lagos
US Department of State / Opening Remarks for Hearing on Counterterrorism in Africa (Sahel Region)
WASHINGTON, November 19, 2009/African Press Organization (APO)/ -- Johnnie Carson
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Africa
Chairman Feingold, Ranking Member Isakson, and Members of the Committee:
I welcome the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss our counterterrorism approach in Africa's Sahel region. I look forward to working with the Congress, and especially with this Committee, to identify appropriate tools to support the efforts of the countries in the region to improve their long-term security and constrict the ability of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and a variety of criminal networks to exploit the area's vast territory.
This hearing is very timely. While the security challenges in the Sahel are not new, several attacks in recent months against African and western targets have drawn additional focus to the situation. Key countries in the area, including Algeria, Mali and Mauritania, have intensified efforts to coordinate their activities against AQIM and address the region's short, medium, and long-term vulnerabilities. At the same time, we have consulted with African and European partners to identify areas where we can more effectively support regional efforts to improve the security environment in the Sahel over the long-term.
The United States can play a helpful supporting role in the regional effort, but we must avoid taking actions that could unintentionally increase local tensions
or lend credibility to AQIM's claims of legitimacy. First and foremost, we must be sensitive to local political dynamics and avoid precipitous actions which exacerbate long-standing and often bloody conflicts.
AQIM's ideology and violent tactics are antithetical to the vast majority of people in the region and the group's ability to mobilize significant popular support for its objectives has been largely frustrated. It has failed to build and sustain meaningful alliances with insurgencies and criminal networks operating in the region. In fact, AQIM's murder of a Malian military officer this summer, the unprecedented execution of a British hostage, and the murder of an American citizen in Mauritania may have caused some groups in Northern Mali to sever opportunistic economic arrangements occasionally established to supplement local groups' efforts to survive in the region's austere environment. By contrast, the perceptions of the United States have been generally favourable throughout the Sahel, even during periods when our popularity around the world declined. It is instructive that a 2008 poll involving 18 Muslim countries revealed that Mauritanians had the highest opinion of the United States.
The countries in the region continue to demonstrate the political will to combat terrorism and trans-national crime. They have explicitly stated that the Sahel's security is the responsibility of the countries in the region. They have not asked the United States to take on a leadership role in counterterrorism efforts and
have, in fact, clearly signalled that a more visible or militarily proactive posture by the United States would be counterproductive. We fully concur that the appropriate roles for the United States and other third countries with even more significant interests in the region must be to support regional security efforts while continuing to provide meaningful development assistance to the more remote areas. Moreover, we have emphasized that while the United States will do its part, the burden must be shared.
We recognize, however, that the security environment in the Sahel requires sustained attention to address a wide range of vulnerabilities and capacity deficits. There is insufficient capacity to monitor and protect immense swaths of largely ungoverned or poorly governed territory. The arid northern half of Mali alone covers an area larger than Texas. Niger is the poorest country in the world according to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Mauritania and Mali rank near the bottom of the Human Development Index scale.
The vulnerability of the northern Sahel has not only led AQIM to seek out safe-havens in the region, but has also enabled the operations of a range of trans-national criminal networks. Criminal traffickers in human beings, weapons, and narcotics also exploit parts of the region. West Africa has emerged as a major trans-shipment area for cocaine flowing from South America to Europe. Narco-trafficking poses a direct threat to U.S. interests since the proceeds of cocaine
trafficked through the region generally flow back to Latin American organizations moving drugs to the United States.
The Committee has asked how our counterterrorism efforts in the Sahel relate to our long-term goals of good governance, civilian control over security forces, and respect for human rights. The first priority President Obama has identified for our Africa policy is helping to build strong and stable democracies on the continent. This is essential in West Africa. In recent years, the region has witnessed two military coups in Mauritania, deeply flawed elections in Nigeria, and an undemocratic seizure of power in Niger. Our experience in the region has underscored the urgency of improving governance, strongly promoting the rule of law, developing durable political and economic institutions at all levels of society, and maintaining professional security forces under civilian control.
Meaningful progress in these areas is crucial to the success of ongoing efforts against AQIM and other criminal networks. The groups are drawn to areas where they can take advantage of political and economic vulnerabilities to safeguard their operating spaces and lifelines, cross borders with impunity, and attract recruits. They benefit when security forces and border guards lack the necessary training, equipment, intelligence, and mobility to disrupt their activities. Their cause is advanced when human rights abuses undermine the credibility of security forces. Terrorists and criminal organizations also take advantage of weak
or corrupt criminal justice systems unable to effectively investigate, prosecute and incarcerate all forms of criminals.
Underdevelopment in key areas represents a critical security challenge in the Sahel. The region is extremely diverse and the sources of insecurity in the region vary. In Northern Mali, for example, insecurity in isolated border areas and along traditional smuggling routes is perpetuated by unmet economic expectations and the lack of legitimate alternatives to smuggling or opportunistic commerce with criminal networks. Mali is one of Africa's most stable democracies, but its efforts to address insecurity in the northern part of the country are severely hampered by poor infrastructure and the inability to provide adequate service delivery and educational and vocational opportunities to isolated areas. This dynamic can become particularly problematic in cases where AQIM has provided small amounts of food and other consumables to generate good-will or at least tolerance from groups living in their vicinity.
Although AQIM's attempts to recruit in Mali and elsewhere in the Sahel have been largely unsuccessful, its limited successes in countries such as Mauritania can largely be traced to its ability to capitalize on the frustration among the young over insufficient educational or vocational opportunities. AQIM has also attracted recruits and material support from isolated communities or
neighbourhoods in Mauritania and elsewhere that lack alternatives to schools, media or networking centers that promote violent extremism.
The United States' primary instrument to advance counterterrorism objectives in the Sahel and the Maghreb is the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP). TSCTP is a multi-year commitment designed to support partner country efforts in the Sahel and the Maghreb to constrict and ultimately eliminate the ability of terrorist organization to exploit the region. The rationale and overarching strategy for TSCTP was approved by a National Security Council (NSC) Deputies Committee in 2005. TSCTP originally included Algeria, Chad, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Tunisia; Burkina Faso was added in 2009.
TSCTP serves two primary purposes. The program identifies and mobilizes resources from throughout the interagency to support sustained efforts to address violent extremism in the region. It was understood when TSCTP was created that sporadic engagements without adequate follow-up or sustainment would fail to achieve meaningful long-term results in a region with a multitude of basic needs. The emphasis was therefore placed on key capacity deficits that could be addressed over a period of years. The program draws resources and expertise from multiple agencies in the U.S. government including the State Department, the Department of Defense, and USAID. As the threat levels, political environments and material
needs differ substantially among the partner countries, most engagements and assistance packages under TSCTP are tailored to fit the priorities of the individual countries.
TSCTP was also designed to coordinate the activities of the various implementing agencies. The coordination takes place at several levels. Action Officers representing the various agencies meet periodically in Washington to coordinate activities and share information. Representatives from Washington and AFRICOM also meet regularly with our Embassies in TSCTP countries. The first line of coordination and oversight takes place at our Embassies. While various assessments and inputs from throughout the interagency inform decisions regarding TSCTP programming, Chiefs of Mission must concur with all proposed activities. They are best placed to understand the immediate and long-term implications of various activities and are ultimately the primary interlocutors with the host countries.
Forming a definitive conclusion at this relatively early stage regarding whether our counter-terrorism approach in the Sahel is working is difficult, but we believe that we are making important progress. For example, TSCTP resources contributed to training and equipping more capable and professional security forces in Mauritania. We believe that our work with Mali to support more professional units capable of improving the security environment in the country
will have future benefits if they are sustained. Our public affairs teams and USAID are implementing a range of beneficial exchanges and projects in Mali and promoting outreach to communities potentially vulnerable to extremism in Mauritania, Chad, Senegal, and elsewhere.
The decision in 2005 to focus on long-term capacity-building rather than search for quick fixes was clearly correct, even more so given the limited absorptive capacity of these countries. Clear victories against the underlying security and developmental challenges in the region are unlikely to clearly announce themselves in the near term, but I am confident that a steady and patient approach provides the best opportunity for success.
The recognition that we must take a holistic approach involving multiple agencies was also correct. Efforts to improve interagency coordination and the vital coordination between our Missions and program managers in Washington and Stuttgart have been crucial. We continue to seek a balance between the financial resources for the development and diplomatic pieces of TSCTP and funding devoted to military to military activities. We will continue to work toward a balanced approach envisioned when the program was created.
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, I want to thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today. I will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Source: US Department of State
Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
20 Nov 2009
Sasol Limited: Sasol Releases Its Sustainable Development Report
Rafael Lopez-Pintor Wins the IFES Baxter Award for Outstanding Service in Democracy Promotion
19 Nov 2009
Fort Carson Set To Receive 20 Additional GreenTargets(R) For Live-Fire Training
US Department of State / Opening Remarks for Hearing on Counterterrorism in Africa (Sahel Region)
Contact Centre Services to Take Off in Nigeria by 2015, Finds Frost & Sullivan
US Department of State / Opening Remarks for Hearing on Counterterrorism in Africa (Sahel Region)
WASHINGTON, November 19, 2009/African Press Organization (APO)/ -- Johnnie Carson
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Africa
Chairman Feingold, Ranking Member Isakson, and Members of the Committee:
I welcome the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss our counterterrorism approach in Africa's Sahel region. I look forward to working with the Congress, and especially with this Committee, to identify appropriate tools to support the efforts of the countries in the region to improve their long-term security and constrict the ability of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and a variety of criminal networks to exploit the area's vast territory.
This hearing is very timely. While the security challenges in the Sahel are not new, several attacks in recent months against African and western targets have drawn additional focus to the situation. Key countries in the area, including Algeria, Mali and Mauritania, have intensified efforts to coordinate their activities against AQIM and address the region's short, medium, and long-term vulnerabilities. At the same time, we have consulted with African and European partners to identify areas where we can more effectively support regional efforts to improve the security environment in the Sahel over the long-term.
The United States can play a helpful supporting role in the regional effort, but we must avoid taking actions that could unintentionally increase local tensions
or lend credibility to AQIM's claims of legitimacy. First and foremost, we must be sensitive to local political dynamics and avoid precipitous actions which exacerbate long-standing and often bloody conflicts.
AQIM's ideology and violent tactics are antithetical to the vast majority of people in the region and the group's ability to mobilize significant popular support for its objectives has been largely frustrated. It has failed to build and sustain meaningful alliances with insurgencies and criminal networks operating in the region. In fact, AQIM's murder of a Malian military officer this summer, the unprecedented execution of a British hostage, and the murder of an American citizen in Mauritania may have caused some groups in Northern Mali to sever opportunistic economic arrangements occasionally established to supplement local groups' efforts to survive in the region's austere environment. By contrast, the perceptions of the United States have been generally favourable throughout the Sahel, even during periods when our popularity around the world declined. It is instructive that a 2008 poll involving 18 Muslim countries revealed that Mauritanians had the highest opinion of the United States.
The countries in the region continue to demonstrate the political will to combat terrorism and trans-national crime. They have explicitly stated that the Sahel's security is the responsibility of the countries in the region. They have not asked the United States to take on a leadership role in counterterrorism efforts and
have, in fact, clearly signalled that a more visible or militarily proactive posture by the United States would be counterproductive. We fully concur that the appropriate roles for the United States and other third countries with even more significant interests in the region must be to support regional security efforts while continuing to provide meaningful development assistance to the more remote areas. Moreover, we have emphasized that while the United States will do its part, the burden must be shared.
We recognize, however, that the security environment in the Sahel requires sustained attention to address a wide range of vulnerabilities and capacity deficits. There is insufficient capacity to monitor and protect immense swaths of largely ungoverned or poorly governed territory. The arid northern half of Mali alone covers an area larger than Texas. Niger is the poorest country in the world according to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Mauritania and Mali rank near the bottom of the Human Development Index scale.
The vulnerability of the northern Sahel has not only led AQIM to seek out safe-havens in the region, but has also enabled the operations of a range of trans-national criminal networks. Criminal traffickers in human beings, weapons, and narcotics also exploit parts of the region. West Africa has emerged as a major trans-shipment area for cocaine flowing from South America to Europe. Narco-trafficking poses a direct threat to U.S. interests since the proceeds of cocaine
trafficked through the region generally flow back to Latin American organizations moving drugs to the United States.
The Committee has asked how our counterterrorism efforts in the Sahel relate to our long-term goals of good governance, civilian control over security forces, and respect for human rights. The first priority President Obama has identified for our Africa policy is helping to build strong and stable democracies on the continent. This is essential in West Africa. In recent years, the region has witnessed two military coups in Mauritania, deeply flawed elections in Nigeria, and an undemocratic seizure of power in Niger. Our experience in the region has underscored the urgency of improving governance, strongly promoting the rule of law, developing durable political and economic institutions at all levels of society, and maintaining professional security forces under civilian control.
Meaningful progress in these areas is crucial to the success of ongoing efforts against AQIM and other criminal networks. The groups are drawn to areas where they can take advantage of political and economic vulnerabilities to safeguard their operating spaces and lifelines, cross borders with impunity, and attract recruits. They benefit when security forces and border guards lack the necessary training, equipment, intelligence, and mobility to disrupt their activities. Their cause is advanced when human rights abuses undermine the credibility of security forces. Terrorists and criminal organizations also take advantage of weak
or corrupt criminal justice systems unable to effectively investigate, prosecute and incarcerate all forms of criminals.
Underdevelopment in key areas represents a critical security challenge in the Sahel. The region is extremely diverse and the sources of insecurity in the region vary. In Northern Mali, for example, insecurity in isolated border areas and along traditional smuggling routes is perpetuated by unmet economic expectations and the lack of legitimate alternatives to smuggling or opportunistic commerce with criminal networks. Mali is one of Africa's most stable democracies, but its efforts to address insecurity in the northern part of the country are severely hampered by poor infrastructure and the inability to provide adequate service delivery and educational and vocational opportunities to isolated areas. This dynamic can become particularly problematic in cases where AQIM has provided small amounts of food and other consumables to generate good-will or at least tolerance from groups living in their vicinity.
Although AQIM's attempts to recruit in Mali and elsewhere in the Sahel have been largely unsuccessful, its limited successes in countries such as Mauritania can largely be traced to its ability to capitalize on the frustration among the young over insufficient educational or vocational opportunities. AQIM has also attracted recruits and material support from isolated communities or
neighbourhoods in Mauritania and elsewhere that lack alternatives to schools, media or networking centers that promote violent extremism.
The United States' primary instrument to advance counterterrorism objectives in the Sahel and the Maghreb is the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP). TSCTP is a multi-year commitment designed to support partner country efforts in the Sahel and the Maghreb to constrict and ultimately eliminate the ability of terrorist organization to exploit the region. The rationale and overarching strategy for TSCTP was approved by a National Security Council (NSC) Deputies Committee in 2005. TSCTP originally included Algeria, Chad, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Tunisia; Burkina Faso was added in 2009.
TSCTP serves two primary purposes. The program identifies and mobilizes resources from throughout the interagency to support sustained efforts to address violent extremism in the region. It was understood when TSCTP was created that sporadic engagements without adequate follow-up or sustainment would fail to achieve meaningful long-term results in a region with a multitude of basic needs. The emphasis was therefore placed on key capacity deficits that could be addressed over a period of years. The program draws resources and expertise from multiple agencies in the U.S. government including the State Department, the Department of Defense, and USAID. As the threat levels, political environments and material
needs differ substantially among the partner countries, most engagements and assistance packages under TSCTP are tailored to fit the priorities of the individual countries.
TSCTP was also designed to coordinate the activities of the various implementing agencies. The coordination takes place at several levels. Action Officers representing the various agencies meet periodically in Washington to coordinate activities and share information. Representatives from Washington and AFRICOM also meet regularly with our Embassies in TSCTP countries. The first line of coordination and oversight takes place at our Embassies. While various assessments and inputs from throughout the interagency inform decisions regarding TSCTP programming, Chiefs of Mission must concur with all proposed activities. They are best placed to understand the immediate and long-term implications of various activities and are ultimately the primary interlocutors with the host countries.
Forming a definitive conclusion at this relatively early stage regarding whether our counter-terrorism approach in the Sahel is working is difficult, but we believe that we are making important progress. For example, TSCTP resources contributed to training and equipping more capable and professional security forces in Mauritania. We believe that our work with Mali to support more professional units capable of improving the security environment in the country
will have future benefits if they are sustained. Our public affairs teams and USAID are implementing a range of beneficial exchanges and projects in Mali and promoting outreach to communities potentially vulnerable to extremism in Mauritania, Chad, Senegal, and elsewhere.
The decision in 2005 to focus on long-term capacity-building rather than search for quick fixes was clearly correct, even more so given the limited absorptive capacity of these countries. Clear victories against the underlying security and developmental challenges in the region are unlikely to clearly announce themselves in the near term, but I am confident that a steady and patient approach provides the best opportunity for success.
The recognition that we must take a holistic approach involving multiple agencies was also correct. Efforts to improve interagency coordination and the vital coordination between our Missions and program managers in Washington and Stuttgart have been crucial. We continue to seek a balance between the financial resources for the development and diplomatic pieces of TSCTP and funding devoted to military to military activities. We will continue to work toward a balanced approach envisioned when the program was created.
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, I want to thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today. I will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Source: US Department of State
Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
20 Nov 2009
Sasol Limited: Sasol Releases Its Sustainable Development Report
Rafael Lopez-Pintor Wins the IFES Baxter Award for Outstanding Service in Democracy Promotion
19 Nov 2009
Fort Carson Set To Receive 20 Additional GreenTargets(R) For Live-Fire Training
US Department of State / Opening Remarks for Hearing on Counterterrorism in Africa (Sahel Region)
Contact Centre Services to Take Off in Nigeria by 2015, Finds Frost & Sullivan
Muhammad Ali Documentary Voted for the 82nd Oscars
A remarkable documentary film Facing Ali on the greatest boxing legend Mohammad Ali has been voted for an Oscar in the Documentary Feature Category of the 82nd Academy Awards coming up on Sunday, March 7, 2010, at the Kodak Theatre.
Vancouver director Pete McCormack’s Facing Ali chronicles the phenomenal life of Ali from his golden victory at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome to his great fights and victories in the ring and now that he is still showing his heroic spirit of endurance battling with
The director interviewed ten of Muhammad Ali's great opponents, including Sir. Henry Cooper, Joe Frazier, George Foreman, Larry Holmes, Earnie Shavers and George Chuvalo. They recalled their most memorable moments with Ali in and out of the boxing ring.
The 82nd Academy Awards nominations will be announced on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, at 5:30 a.m. PT in the Academy’s Samuel Goldwyn Theater.
Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2009 will be presented on Sunday, March 7, 2010, at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center®, and televised live by the ABC Television Network. The Oscar presentation also will be televised live in more than 200 countries worldwide.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
15 Documentary Features Continue in 2009 Oscar® Race
Teni Melidonian
November 18, 2009
15 Documentary Features Continue in 2009 Oscar® Race
Beverly Hills, CA — The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced that 15 films in the Documentary Feature category will advance in the voting process for the 82nd Academy Awards®. Eighty-nine pictures had originally qualified in the category.
The 15 films are listed below in alphabetical order by title, with their production company:
“The Beaches of Agnes,” Agnès Varda, director (Cine-Tamaris)
“Burma VJ,” Anders Østergaard, director (Magic Hour Films)
“The Cove,” Louie Psihoyos, director (Oceanic Preservation Society)
“Every Little Step,” James D. Stern and Adam Del Deo, directors (Endgame Entertainment)
“Facing Ali,” Pete McCormack, director (Network Films Inc.)
“Food, Inc.,” Robert Kenner, director (Robert Kenner Films)
“Garbage Dreams,” Mai Iskander, director (Iskander Films, Inc.)
“Living in Emergency: Stories of Doctors Without Borders,” Mark N. Hopkins, director (Red Floor Pictures LLC)
“The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers,” Judith Ehrlich and Rick Goldsmith, directors (Kovno Communications)
“Mugabe and the White African,” Andrew Thompson and Lucy Bailey, directors (Arturi Films Limited)
“Sergio,” Greg Barker, director (Passion Pictures and Silverbridge Productions)
“Soundtrack for a Revolution,” Bill Guttentag and Dan Sturman, directors (Freedom Song Productions)
“Under Our Skin,” Andy Abrahams Wilson, director (Open Eye Pictures)
“Valentino The Last Emperor,” Matt Tyrnauer, director (Acolyte Films)
“Which Way Home,” Rebecca Cammisa, director (Mr. Mudd)
The Documentary Branch Screening Committee viewed all the eligible documentaries for the preliminary round of voting. Documentary Branch members will now select the five nominees from among the 15 titles on the shortlist.
The 82nd Academy Awards nominations will be announced on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, at 5:30 a.m. PT in the Academy’s Samuel Goldwyn Theater.
Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2009 will be presented on Sunday, March 7, 2010, at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center®, and televised live by the ABC Television Network. The Oscar presentation also will be televised live in more than 200 countries worldwide.
# # #
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is the world’s preeminent movie-related organization, with a membership of more than 6,000 of the most accomplished men and women working in cinema. In addition to the annual Academy Awards – in which the members vote to select the nominees and winners – the Academy presents a diverse year-round slate of public programs, exhibitions and events; provides financial support to a wide range of other movie-related organizations and endeavors; acts as a neutral advocate in the advancement of motion picture technology; and, through its Margaret Herrick Library and Academy Film Archive, collects, preserves, restores and provides access to movies and items related to their history. Through these and other activities the Academy serves students, historians, the entertainment industry and people everywhere who love movies.
Golf-a-holics Unite. Stay and Play for Free!
Ojai Valley Inn & Spa offers the Ultimate Golf Experience. (PRNewsFoto/Ojai Valley Inn & Spa, Krause, Johansen) OJAI, CA UNITED STATES
19 Nov 2009 11:06 Africa/Lagos
Golf-a-holics Unite. Stay and Play for Free!
OJAI, Calif., Nov. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Ojai Valley Inn & Spa is offering the ultimate golf experience: stay and play for free. It's this simple: From November 29th through December 22nd, stay in a Shangri-La Room or Suite and you have completely unrestricted access to our golf course.
(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20091119/NYFNST01 )
There are no strings attached, except of course, golf course availability!
Mark Greenslit, Director of Golf explains: "Golf courses are meant to be used. Ojai Valley Inn and Spa has been host to seven PGA Senior Tour events, and numerous private and charitable tournaments. Now, it's your turn! With this program, you can book golf on day one, stay overnight, and golf the second day as well. My goodness, if two are golfing, the cost of the room is more than covered by the savings in green fees alone. There are no extras for golf carts either."
Sculpted from the natural terrain in 1923 by renowned architect George C. Thomas Jr., this 18-hole course plays 6,292 yards with a par 70, rating of 71.0 and a slope of 132.
As an added bonus, those who book a suite will receive a complimentary 50-minute spa treatment at the world-famous Spa Ojai, ranked #1 in the world by Trip Advisor.
The Unlimited Golf Program goes on sale this week. Reservations can be made by contacting Ojai Valley Inn & Spa at 1.800.422.6524, or visit by booking online at www.ojairesort.com.
About Ojai Valley Inn & Spa
Since 1923, vacationing guests have sought the tranquil pleasures of the historic Ojai Valley Inn & Spa, an AAA Five Diamond property located on 220 tree-shaded acres offering an incredible golf course ranked as one of the finest in North America. Located 35 minutes south of Santa Barbara, Ojai Valley Inn & Spa is approximately 90 minutes north of LAX. Affirmed by its many prestigious awards, this legendary Inn is one of North America's unique hidden treasures. For reservations, call 1-800-422-6524 or visit www.ojairesort.com.
Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20091119/NYFNST01
AP PhotoExpress Network: PRN1
PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.com
Source: Ojai Valley Inn & Spa
CONTACT: Veronica Cole, Direct: +1-805-640-2080,
Web Site: http://www.ojairesort.com/
Contact Centre Services to Take Off in Nigeria by 2015, Finds Frost & Sullivan
19 Nov 2009 09:00 Africa/Lagos
Contact Centre Services to Take Off in Nigeria by 2015, Finds Frost & Sullivan
CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Nov. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Despite industry challenges, the rising consumer demand from developing industry sectors will drive exponential growth in the Nigerian contact centre market. The outsourced contact centre segment, email and SMS services and the health and medical organisation (HMO) and the public sectors are expected to become key areas of market growth from 2009 to 2015.
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20081117/FSLOGO)
New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (http://www.contactcenter.frost.com/), Nigerian Contact Centre Market, finds that the market earned revenues of $8.29 million in 2008 and estimates this to grow more than tenfold by 2015 to reach $114.45 million. The application segments covered in this analysis are vendors and system integrators.
If you are interested in a virtual brochure, which provides a brief synopsis of the research and a table of contents, then send an e-mail to Patrick Cairns, Corporate Communications, at patrick.cairns@frost.com, with your full name, company name, title, telephone number, company e-mail address, company website, city, state and country. Upon receipt of the above information, a brochure will be sent to you by e-mail.
"Nigeria is an emerging economy and the most populous country in Africa," says Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Jiaqi Sun. "The booming telecommunications and banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) sectors are driving the demand for contact centre services, while competitive labour cost structures are attracting offshore operations."
Frost & Sullivan anticipates that the government will introduce incentives and regulatory frameworks by 2013. This will also coincide with improvements in infrastructure that will boost the market.
The main challenges faced by market participants include a poor telecommunications infrastructure and limited commercial power supply. Moreover, there is no specific industry association to regulate the market.
"The limited availability of commercial power supply increases operational costs," explains Sun. "Insufficient bandwidth also inhibits the growth of contact centre services. The key factors to succeed in this market include enhancing the quality of customer services, seeking alternative means of power supply, and initiating employee training programmes."
Nigerian Contact Centre Market is part of the Contact Centres Growth Partnership Services programme, which also includes research in the following markets: South African Contact Centre Technology Market, South African Broadband Market Update, Angolan Broadband Market, and Nigerian IT Infrastructure Outsourcing Market. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends that have been evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.
Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best in class positions in growth, innovation and leadership. The company's Growth Partnership Service provides the CEO and the CEO's Growth Team with disciplined research and best practice models to drive the generation, evaluation, and implementation of powerful growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan leverages over 45 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 35 offices on six continents. To join our Growth Partnership, please visit http://www.frost.com/.
Nigerian Contact Centre Market
Patrick Cairns
Corporate Communications - Africa
P: +27 18 464 2402
E: patrick.cairns@frost.com
Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20081117/FSLOGO
PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.com
Source: Frost & Sullivan
CONTACT: Patrick Cairns, Corporate Communications - Africa of Frost &
Sullivan, +27 18 464 2402, patrick.cairns@frost.com
Web Site: http://www.frost.com/
Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
19 Nov 2009
Fort Carson Set To Receive 20 Additional GreenTargets(R) For Live-Fire Training
US Department of State / Opening Remarks for Hearing on Counterterrorism in Africa (Sahel Region)
Contact Centre Services to Take Off in Nigeria by 2015, Finds Frost & Sullivan
18 Nov 2009
Un nuevo informe descubre cuatro fuerzas que modelarán el futuro de la banca móvil
UN Carbon Markets Powering Green Energy Growth in Africa But Continent Still Lagging Far Behind Asia and Latin America / Green Electricity Conference to be Held in Nairobi, 23-24 November
Contact Centre Services to Take Off in Nigeria by 2015, Finds Frost & Sullivan
CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Nov. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Despite industry challenges, the rising consumer demand from developing industry sectors will drive exponential growth in the Nigerian contact centre market. The outsourced contact centre segment, email and SMS services and the health and medical organisation (HMO) and the public sectors are expected to become key areas of market growth from 2009 to 2015.
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20081117/FSLOGO)
New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (http://www.contactcenter.frost.com/), Nigerian Contact Centre Market, finds that the market earned revenues of $8.29 million in 2008 and estimates this to grow more than tenfold by 2015 to reach $114.45 million. The application segments covered in this analysis are vendors and system integrators.
If you are interested in a virtual brochure, which provides a brief synopsis of the research and a table of contents, then send an e-mail to Patrick Cairns, Corporate Communications, at patrick.cairns@frost.com, with your full name, company name, title, telephone number, company e-mail address, company website, city, state and country. Upon receipt of the above information, a brochure will be sent to you by e-mail.
"Nigeria is an emerging economy and the most populous country in Africa," says Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Jiaqi Sun. "The booming telecommunications and banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) sectors are driving the demand for contact centre services, while competitive labour cost structures are attracting offshore operations."
Frost & Sullivan anticipates that the government will introduce incentives and regulatory frameworks by 2013. This will also coincide with improvements in infrastructure that will boost the market.
The main challenges faced by market participants include a poor telecommunications infrastructure and limited commercial power supply. Moreover, there is no specific industry association to regulate the market.
"The limited availability of commercial power supply increases operational costs," explains Sun. "Insufficient bandwidth also inhibits the growth of contact centre services. The key factors to succeed in this market include enhancing the quality of customer services, seeking alternative means of power supply, and initiating employee training programmes."
Nigerian Contact Centre Market is part of the Contact Centres Growth Partnership Services programme, which also includes research in the following markets: South African Contact Centre Technology Market, South African Broadband Market Update, Angolan Broadband Market, and Nigerian IT Infrastructure Outsourcing Market. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends that have been evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.
Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best in class positions in growth, innovation and leadership. The company's Growth Partnership Service provides the CEO and the CEO's Growth Team with disciplined research and best practice models to drive the generation, evaluation, and implementation of powerful growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan leverages over 45 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 35 offices on six continents. To join our Growth Partnership, please visit http://www.frost.com/.
Nigerian Contact Centre Market
Patrick Cairns
Corporate Communications - Africa
P: +27 18 464 2402
E: patrick.cairns@frost.com
Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20081117/FSLOGO
PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.com
Source: Frost & Sullivan
CONTACT: Patrick Cairns, Corporate Communications - Africa of Frost &
Sullivan, +27 18 464 2402, patrick.cairns@frost.com
Web Site: http://www.frost.com/
Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time
19 Nov 2009
Fort Carson Set To Receive 20 Additional GreenTargets(R) For Live-Fire Training
US Department of State / Opening Remarks for Hearing on Counterterrorism in Africa (Sahel Region)
Contact Centre Services to Take Off in Nigeria by 2015, Finds Frost & Sullivan
18 Nov 2009
Un nuevo informe descubre cuatro fuerzas que modelarán el futuro de la banca móvil
UN Carbon Markets Powering Green Energy Growth in Africa But Continent Still Lagging Far Behind Asia and Latin America / Green Electricity Conference to be Held in Nairobi, 23-24 November
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