Showing posts with label Nollywood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nollywood. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2023

"Breath of Life" is the Best Nigerian Film of the Year 2023

2023 has been a great year for Nollywood.
Nigerian filmmakers made outstanding movies in 2023 and several of them won notable awards locally and globally, including C. J "Fiery" Obasi's multiple award winning mythological fantasy film, "MAMI WATA", Nigeria's entry for the Best International Feature Film
Category of the 2024 annual Academy Awards; , winner of the Best Nigerian Film at the 19th edition of the Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA).
"MAMI WATA" premiered at the annual Sundance Film Festival and the cinematographer, Lílis Soares won the Special Jury Prize in the World Dramatic Competition for the film's cinematography in black and white. The film won three awards at FESPACO; Prix de la Critique Paulin S. Vieyra (African Critics Award), Meilleure Image (Cinematography Award) and Meilleur Décor (Set Design Award). The first Nollywood film to win these highly coveted international awards.
It is nominated for the Best  International Film Category of the 39th annual Independent Spirit Awards in the United States of America; the first for a Nollywood film.

Babatunde Apalowo's "All the Colours of the World Are Between Black and White" was joint winner of the Special Jury Prize at the 2023 annual Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF).

“Funmilayo Ransom Kuti" by Mrs. Bolalenle Austen-Peters won the Oronto Douglas' Overall Best Feature Film and Best Screenplay awards at the 2023 annual AFRIFF.
Editi Effiong’s crime thriller, "The Black Book" for Netflix became the first Nigerian film to be number one on the Global Netflix Chart of the most watched movies on the world's largest streaming platform.

"Orah" by Nigerian Canadian filmmaker Lonzo Nzekwe premiered at the 2023 annual Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).

Finally, Funke Akindele's new film "A Tribe Called Judah.” is the icing on the cake of the best Nigerian films of 2023.

In overall assessment of all these outstanding films, Nigerians Report Online has selected BB Sasore's "Breath of Life", the Best Nigerian Film of the year 2023.

 "Breath of Life" is an Unforgettable Journey of Discovery of the Power of Faith, Love and Triumph of the Human Spirit

"Breath of Life" is a period drama set in Ibadan in the 1950s. It is about "Timi", a gifted clergyman who turns into an "old lonely curmudgeon when his family is tragically taken from him. Until Elijah, a humble man with big dreams of becoming a priest, comes into his life. Through Elijah, Timi not only learns to live again, but also realizes purpose for all his gifts and wealth."

The Oscar performance of Wale Ojo as "Timi" has proven that he is indeed  more than an actor of actors, but also an auteur of genius in his excellent interpretation of one of the greatest portraits of unique and unforgettable characters in Nigerian drama.
No other actor in Nollywood would have been able to play a better  challenging role of such an iconic character of "Timi" as Wale Ojo did exceptionally well.
He is among the best actors in the world in the same class with Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman and Anthony Hopkins of Hollywood for his mastery of being absorbed in the personality of every character he has played the leading role in different movies. This is a rare  accomplishment among actors in Nigeria, because only few of them have such command in characterization and intellectual depth.

Overall, in concise and precise analysis, the "Breath of Life" is a breathtaking cinematic drama of intellectual and spiritual insights on the triumph of faith, love and the human spirit in the conquest of the existential realities of life in the world. The survival, triumph and victory of the human spirit in the vicissitudes of the trials of life.

The director, producer, cinematographer, screenwriter, composer of the soundtracks and production designer have made a film that will become one of the timeless classics of filmmaking in Nigeria. "Breath of Life" is more than the typical Nollywood movie. It is a beautiful story in motion picture that will resonate with people in different societies in the world, because it is a universal journey of discovery of the true essence of human existence on Earth.
It would be more appreciated dubbed in other languages for the rest of the world to share in the beauty of this drama of the worth of every breath of life.

"Breath of Life" is one of the best films of the year and the kind of Nigerian film that should have been in the Official Selection of the annual Cannes Film Festival in competition for the Palme d'Or.

Principal cast:
Wale Ojo, Bimbo Manuel, Sam Dede, Tina Mba, Sambasa Nzeribe, Genoveva Umeh, Chimezie Imo, Demola Adedoyin, Melly Atari and others.

Produced by
Eku Edewor and Aderinola Adeyokunnu.
Written and directed by BB Sasore, Ola Cardoso is the Director of Photography and Kelechi Odu is the Creative Director.

More details on

A must on the watchlist of everyone who loves great movies.

- By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima,
The first book series on Nollywood and the Nigerian film industry since 2013, printed in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States of America and distributed by Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other booksellers in paperback, hardcopy and Amazon Kindle.

Friday, December 1, 2023

All That Glitters is Not Gold in Nollywood

All is Not Well in Nollywood.and the Nigerian Film Industry.

All that glitters is not gold. 

Majority of the producers. directors, actors. actresses and other practitioners in the Nigerian film industry are facing critical economic challenges ignored by the Nigerian government.

An official of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) invited me for a meeting on how to get distribution for thousands of new movies, because only about 100 -200 get acquired by the MultiChoice Group, Startimes, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Showmax. The Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) stations and local private TV stations don't have enough budgets to acquire the movies and series. The are grossly underfunded. 

The loads of local content without acquisition and distribution are either on YouTube or put aside in drawers. The producers are heart broken and depressed, because their investments have failed to produce the returns on investment and have left them bankrupt.

The cinemas are having challenges due to high costs of recurrent expenditure in Nigeria.

If, you are in doubt, you must be from another planet. 

We have humanitarian emergencies in Nollywood that most people are not bothered about. 

I have always helped whenever I could in spite of my own critical economic challenges.

I have done my best for the overall benefit of all in Nollywood and the Nigerian film industry and I am still doing my best locally and globally to increase the appreciation, acquisition and distribution of Nigerian movies and series.

Presently, I am targeting new Internatonal markets in the Americas, Asia and Eastern Europe where I have attracted potential partners for acquisition, distribution and co-production.

The federal government and responsible ministries must address these challenges if we want the best for Nollywood and the Nigerian film industry.

The first book series on Nollywood and the Nigerian film industry since 2013.


Memory of October 20, 2020 Has Been Released on Selar

"Memory of October 20, 2020" photo documentary on the aftermath of the tragic EndSARs protests in Lekki on October 20, 2020 in Lagos and other parts of Nigeria is of historical significance showing one of the survivors having sleepless nights of the nightmares. The photo documentary shows the 🌃 nightmares of his trauma.

View on Selar


Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Nigerian Creative Economy: Beyond Nollywood and the Entertainment Industry

The Nigerian Creative Economy: Beyond Nollywood and the Entertainment Industry


Nigeria - Media and Entertainment

According to PwC Global Entertainment and Media Outlook for 2022-2026, Nigeria’s media and entertainment industry is one of the fastest growing creative industries in the world. It has the potential to become one of the country’s exports, with projected annual consumer growth rate of 8.8% (CAGR). PwC indicates that in 2021, Nigeria’s film industry contributed 2.3% ($660 million (239 billion naira)) to GDP. They project that the industry will increase its export revenue earnings to over $1 billion. The motion picture and music combined contributed about $1.8 billion (730 billion naira) to the country’s GDP in 2020.

The country’s television and video market grew 7.49% to $806 million in 2020, up from $732 million in 2018. The industry is projected to earn about $900 million in 2023. The market is driven by subscription revenue, which accounted for 72.26% of total TV/video sector revenue in 2018. TV advertising accounts for 21.31% of total revenue, while physical home videos account for 5.33%. Subscription-based movie streaming are very popular in Nigeria, attracting players like Netflix, Iroko TV, and Startimes. Although Netflix subscription has long been available in Nigeria, they made their official debut in Nigeria in February 2020, joining several major distributors of filmed content in Nigeria. In August 2022, Amazon Prime Video announced the launch of the localized version of its streaming service in Nigeria. According to an IMF report, the industry is projected to generate an estimated revenue of $10.8 billion by 2023 and account for 1.4% of GDP. The report indicates that in 2020, Nigeria overtook South Africa in pay TV subscription as the country currently has over 6.9 million pay TV households as of 2021.  It is projected to grow to upwards of 7.4 million by 2023. A new study by Research and Markets, shows that Nigeria will contribute about 10 million, or 21.2%, of Africa’s pay television subscribers by 2025.

The music sector of Nigeria’s entertainment industry also recorded significant growth over the years. Stakeholders include artists, musicians, producers, promoters, managers, distributors, and marketers. As of 2021, the music industry employed about a million people and generated over $8 billion for the economy. In the past six years, the growing numbers of new production studios and artists enabled a more vibrant and self-sustaining industry, producing globally recognized music. In this environment, Nigerian musicians have developed a vast spectrum of music genres. The industry has won prestigious awards with artists like Wizkid and Burnaboy claiming Grammy awards, attracting more and more investments..
Which creative industries drive the creative economy of every country?

The industries are the following:
 Advertising, architecture, arts and crafts, design, fashion, film, video, photography, music, performing arts, publishing, research and development, software, computer games, electronic publishing and TV/radio.

As Dr. Reuben Abati said on The Morming Show of Arise TV on Thursday, November 23, 2023;
We cannot talk about growing the creative industry without a Cultural Policy.

Do we have a Cultural Policy?
Do we even have a Film Policy for Ñollywood and the Nigerian film industry?

Ñollywood is actually a dysfunctional film industry without a film market.
Without an insurance policy.
Without a single film commission.

Let me just go straight to my critical basics of the economics of the creative industry in Nigeria with an important query. And that's all. There is no need for a thesis on the economic crisis of Ñollywood and the Nigerian film industry.

Currently, the Nigerian film industry is a big canoe with holes and different sorts of characters with different agendas; including the real creative professionals, jobbers and of course the opportunists. 
They will make a big 
Kafkaesque and Soyinkasque drama.

Only the creatives with bankable assets and products can grow the creative economy. And not those who are expendable liabilities in the creative industry; that collected loans from the Bank of Industry of Nigeria and other banks and cannot account for the loans due to misappropriations and diversions of the millions of naira they collected. 

What happened to the N3 Billion Grant of the Project ACT Nollywood launched by the administration of former, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR?

Who were the benefitiaries?
Where are the assets and products of the beneficiaries?
Where are the 75 movies produced?
Where are the students trained in filmmaking?

Until there is a forensic report on the Project ACT Nollywood Grant, any establishment for an investment in the creative industry to grow the creative economy by the federal government lacks accountability.

Read the article on 
How The Project ACT Nollywood Grant Was Embezzled - by 
*Eyengho, is President, Association of Nollywood Producers, ANCOP, and Vice President, International Federation of Film Producers Associations, FIAPF.

The federal government should have a forensic report on the previous government investments in the creative industry before the establishment of a new initiative for the acceleration of creative economy.

- Ekenyerengozi MichaeI Chima,
ZENITH International Film Festival,

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

When the So Called Masterclass is not a Masterclass

When the So Called Masterclass is Not a Masterclass

"What makes a work of art a masterpiece is not the craft.
But the Imagination of the artist."
- Ekenyerengozi MichaeI Chima.

Some years ago, I was invited to participate in a Masterclass on  Documentary Filmmaking by the Public Affairs Section of the Consulate of the United States of America in Lagos in the Documentary Showcase Program with American documentary filmmakers. Prominent Nigerian filmmakers in Nollywood were also invited. But the workshop was rushed by the American filmmaker teaching what was nothing new or different, but documentary filmmaking for beginners and what the Nigerian filmmakers already knew. He was teaching us what students in high school were taught in America.

Then the workshop ended abruptly without the completion of the most important sessions.

The American filmmaker started  the presentation of Masterclass  certificates to all the participants. But I refused to accept my own certificate with my name already written on it.

"We never had any masterclass on documentary filmmaking," I said.

The others were compelling me to accept it. I reluctantly collected it. But I dumped it later in the drawer of my desk in the office of Supple Communications Limited.























Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other booksellers.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

ZENITH International Film Festival's Merchandise for Fashion and Lifestyle

Film festivals are established for the promotion of the film industry which includes film tourism and movie merchandise and so much more in show business.

I have written on the huge film tourism and movie merchandise industry which have been very successful from Hollywood to Bollywood generating billions of dollars. And I have completed my feasibility studies for film tourism and movie merchandise for Ñollywood and the Nigerian film industry. The articles were published on Indiewire and Shadow and ACT since 2016. The articles have also been published on my Nigerians Report Online with the feature on the best film locations in Nigeria having over 5, 000 pageviews so far.

ZENITH International Film Festival will generate revenues from international film acquisition and distribution; film tourism, movie merchandise and from the hotels and guest houses for the participants and tourists.

The following selections of the merchandise which I have designed will create jobs and boost the creative economy of Nigeria.

My duly incorporated International Digital Post Network Limited, one of the most valuable digital media companies in Nigeria has international partnerships with Vuulr and Cinewav of Singapore for global film acquisition and distribution and for cinemas. And has international news media partnerships with PR Newswire, APO Group and a pending partnership with one of the biggest and largest broadcasting companies in the world which will be of immense benefit to our ZENITH International Film Festival in the world.
The merchandise of the ZENITH International Film Festival will be distributed locally by distributors in Nigeria and globally by Amazon.

The first designs of the T-shirts are already available on Instagram and Selar made to order on premium fabrics with or without the name of ZENITH International Film Festival with the beautiful logo. The logo is the symbol of the brand of ZENITH International Film Festival.

Only the best is good enough for us.

- By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima,
The CEO,
International Digital Post Network Limited,
The Founder/President,
ZENITH International Film Festival

Friday, November 3, 2023

AFRIFF'S Closing Night: Breath of Life with Prime Video

AFRIFF's Closing Night: 'Breath of Life' with Prime Video"🎥

AFRIFF in Partnership with Prime Video to close the 12th Edition with BB Sasore’s Inspirational movie Breath of Life.

November 3, 2023,

The Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) has announced Breath of Life, an inspirational story about life and destiny as its closing night movie. The selection made known by AFRIFF’s Founder & Festival Director, Chioma Ude, aligns with the organiser’s bid to promote more indigenous movies to a global audience that will grace the festival’s closing night hosted in partnership with Prime Video in Lagos, Nigeria. 

Written and directed by BB Sasore and produced by Eku Edewor, Breath of Life portrays the story of a former clergyman who loses everything he holds dear including his faith and goes on a journey of self-transformation when his life is taken over by his Christian houseboy. The film spotlights veterans and key characters led by Wale Ojo, Sam Dede, Tina Mba and Eku Edewor. Others include Chimezie Imo, Genoveva Umeh, Ademola Adedoyin, and Chidozie Nzeribe. 

Speaking on the movie selection as a choice for the closing night, Director and Screenwriter, BB Sasore said:

“Breath of Life is a testimony to how a person’s cause in life can change in the twinkling of an eye. It speaks to living a life of purpose and the need for it to be fulfilled. We believe AFRIFF and Prime Video audiences will enjoy the film and learn from the character’s experiences”.  

Breath of Life launches globally on Prime Video on December 15th, as part of the streaming platform's effort to showcase Nollywood at its best, by telling authentic homegrown stories in a range of genres to Prime Video customers around the world. The film highlights the story of a man who has lost his sense of purpose until an encounter with a young man who changes his life and destiny.

Breath of Life is produced by Nemsia Films co-founded by Derin Adeyokunnu and BB Sasore. The movie which is set in the 1950s was shot in Nigeria’s historic city of Ibadan.


Latasha Ngwube

Director PR & Media

for AFRIFF 2023


The Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) is an international film showcase in Nigeria’s biggest city, Lagos. It presents a complete immersion into the world of filmmaking with participation from all over Africa and the Diaspora. Founded in 2010 by Ms Chioma Ude, an ardent film lover and entrepreneur, the festival is positioned to be the biggest annual appointment for African filmmakers in the region, celebrating the best African films and stories.

Our programming is themed around African films, filmmakers and African cinematic impulses making the rounds in the international film circuit in categories such as feature, shorts, student shorts, documentary and animation.

Africa International Film festival - AFRIFF

Ornife Legacy Place, 8 Professor Gabriel Olusanya Street, 105102, Lekki

+234 7033330439 I I I I I I AFRIFF

Monday, October 30, 2023

AFRIFF 2023 Unveils a Stellar Jury for an Exceptional Year in African Storytelling

AFRIFF 2023 Unveils a Stellar Jury for An exceptional Year in African Storytelling.

AFRIFF 2023 Jury Announcement: Elevating African Storytelling to New Heights! 🎥

They Cloned Tyrone producer Stephen 'Dr.' Love to serve as Jury President.

Lagos, October 30, 2023 - 

The Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) has announced jury members for its 12th edition, scheduled for November 5 to 11, 2023, in Lagos, Nigeria.

After receiving over 2,000 films from more than 100 countries across 5 continents during its call for submission, the jury has selected over 100 films and is now tasked with issuing their choice of finalists for the AFRIFF Globe Awards. The jury composition, a study in excellence in global filmmaking and expertise in the African film business, is headlined by Stephen Dr Love, producer of one of Netflix's most-viewed movies of the year, They Cloned Tyrone, with Nigerian-British actor John Boyega in the lead, veteran US actor Jamie Foxx (Ray, Django Unchained), Julliard-graduate Teyonah Parish (Chi-Raq, Candyman).

Stephen ‘Dr.’ Love is joined by Emmy-nominated Nigerian-British writer-producer Abby Ajayi (How to Get Away with Murder, Inventing Anna); Nigerian film producer Greg Otudayo; Zimbabwean award-winning author and winner of the 2023 African Peace Prize Tsitsi Dangaremgba; and Lebanese French actress and director Wafa’a Céline Halawi. Others include Geneva Wasserman, entertainment and technology expert and SVP of Scripted Development at Dentsu, the Japanese media juggernaut; Cuban-American film producer and Afro-Latino voices in film mentor Ranada Shepard; renowned Hollywood producer and Head of Inventions Studios, Nicholas Weinstock; multi-talented film acquisition expert and Head of Content at MultiChoice, Busola Temujola; Nollywood royalty and seasoned actress Kate Henshaw; and Nigerian economist and filmmaker Desmond Elliott.

This edition will be significant after the 2022 edition, where Disney’s Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and Amazon’s Nanny, Sundance Grand Jury Prize, opened the festival.  Paramount, Amazon, Disney, Netflix, Showmax, Mediawan, DStv, Dentsu, the African Union, Canal Plus, Afreximbank and a host of global industry stakeholders attended to offer further opportunities to sustain the growth of the African creative industry.

The international jury will award 14 Globe Awards to the most outstanding films in the programme.




The Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) is an international film showcase in Nigeria’s biggest city, Lagos. It presents a complete immersion into the world of filmmaking with participation from all over Africa and the Diaspora. Founded in 2010 by Ms Chioma Ude, an ardent film lover and entrepreneur, the festival is positioned to be the biggest annual appointment for African filmmakers in the region, celebrating the best African films and stories.

Our programming is themed around African films, filmmakers and African cinematic impulses making the rounds in the international film circuit in categories such as feature, shorts, students' shorts, documentary films and animations.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Lagos State Government To Build A Film City in Epe

What is a Film City? 

Film City means an integrated studio complex spread over a minimum of ten acres area that provides the physical facilities required for film making, including providing the flexibility to use the outdoor spaces for shooting purposes. It may be used as a popular tourist spot, recreation centre featuring many natural & artificial attractions including gardens, landscapes, amusement parks, statues, miniatures, streets, hotels, restaurants, Art Gallery, Museum, Hospital and shopping destinations. It may also include the development of peripheral infrastructure such as hotels, food & beverage establishments and retail areas including merchandise stalls to diversify the revenue composition;(xxxviii) “Food Processing Sector” means a sector comprising enterprises engaged in such manufacturing processes in which raw product of agriculture, animal husbandry or fisheries is transformed to make it edible for human consumption;(xxxix) “Gems & Jewellery Sector” means a sector comprising enterprises engaged in manufacturing of handmade or machine-made jewellery or other articles of gold, silver and other precious or base metal clad with precious metals or precious or semi-precious stones, or combinations of precious metal and precious or semi- precious stones or other materials;(xl) “Government” means Government of Rajasthan (xli) “Green Building Measures” means process or technology adopted to obtain green rating under Indian Green Building Council;(xlii) “Half-Way-Home” means the establishment registered with any Government Department for the purpose and having facilities of temporary stay for patients who have been discharged from a hospital but frequent consultancy of doctor is required for providing the patients with a safe shelter and rehabilitation;(xliii) “Handicraft Sector” means a sector comprising enterprises engaged in such manufacturing of items or products in which products are produced predominantly by hand with or without mechanical or electrical or other assistance and graced with visual appeal in the nature of ornamentation or in-lay work or some similar work lending it an element of artistic improvement. Such ornamentation must be of a substantial nature and not a mere pretence;(xliv) “Hilly Area” means an area which is notified as such by the State Government in the Finance Department by an order;(xlv) “Industrial Gases Sector” means a sector comprising enterprises engaged in manufacturing of gases for use in industries, excluding poisonous",industries%2C%20excluding%20poisonous

The Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has reiterated that the Lagos State government will build a large scale Africam film city of 100 hectares in Epe at the cost of US$100 million. He told the guests and the news media as he hosted the programme announcement for the 12th annual Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) on Thursday, October 5, 2023 at the Lagos State House on the Marina. 

Ms. Chioma Ude, the Founder and Executive Director of AFRIFF commended the laudable visionary leadership of Governor Sanwo-Olu in the capacity development of Nollywood and the Nigerian film industry. 

Lagos is the capital of Nollywood and the entertainment industry in Nigeria, the biggest contributor to making Nollywood the largest film industry in Africa and among the fastest growing film industries in the world.

A report from PwC projects that the fast-growing industry will generate $14.8 billion revenue in 2025. The industry revenue is expected to rise from $7.7 billion in 2021 to $9 billion in 2022, $10.7 billion in 2023, $12.6 billion in 2024 and $14.8 billion in 2025. 85% of this revenue will be generated by access to the Internet.

According to PwC’s Global Entertainment and Media Outlook (2020-2024), Nigeria’s media and entertainment industry is one of the fastest growing creative industries in the world. It has the capability to become the country’s greatest export, with projected annual growth rate of 8.6% and a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.3% from 2018-2023.

The Multixept Associates Limited is already building a film city in Epe.

US$100 Million Cannot Build a Film City

US$100 Million is a good investment to kickstart the building of a film city in Lagos by the Lagos State government. But that amount cannot even build a film village.
Lagos State government can start with a feasibility study and a budget of $5 Billion.

The best case study is Hollywood. And another good example is the Mumbai Film City; officially Dadasaheb Phalke Chitranagari, an integrated film studio complex situated near Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Goregaon East, Mumbai. It has several recording rooms, gardens, lakes, theatres and grounds that serve as the venue of many Bollywood and Marathi films. It was built in 1977 by the state government to provide facilities and concessions to the film industry. 

Lagos State government can call the film city in Epe, EKO FILM CITY.

A film city must have a state of the art high tech film studios, world class hotels and cinemas.
One single world class hotel will cost more than S100 million.
The construction of the main access road will cost more than US$100 million for a 21st century film city.
It must be a smart city with IoT.

Private partnership investors will be required by the Lagos State government.
it is best to have a stakeholders forum with local and international investors in the multibillion dollar Nigerian Entertainment Industry, including banks, insurance companies, construction companies and realtors.

- By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima,
the first book series on Nollywood and the Nigerian film industry.


Friday, October 6, 2023

AFRIFF and MTN Join Forces To Empower African Filmmakers and Promote Indigenous Content

AFRIFF and MTN Join Forces to Empower African Filmmakers and Promote Indigenous Content

The Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) is thrilled to announce its groundbreaking partnership with MTN, the largest telecommunications company in Africa. This strategic collaboration aims to revolutionize the African film industry, opening up new avenues for filmmakers and creating opportunities for the promotion and distribution of indigenous content.

AFRIFF, widely recognized as the largest annual film festival in Africa, has been at the forefront of showcasing exceptional African cinema and nurturing emerging talent for over a decade. With an impressive array of films submitted each year, the festival has become a beacon of creativity, diversity, and cultural exchange in the African film landscape.

MTN, with its extensive network and largest aggregation of subscribers, is committed to fostering the growth of the African entertainment industry following the indigenous 2.0 theme. This visionary approach seeks to empower African players in the film industry by providing them with unprecedented opportunities for Global  exposure and distribution.

Through this partnership, AFRIFF and MTN aim to bridge the gap between talented African filmmakers and a wider audience. As the streaming landscape is dominated by global streamers. Many deserving films from Africa struggle to find a platform for their voices to be heard. This collaboration will address this critical challenge by offering a dedicated channel where African filmmakers can showcase their work to millions of viewers across the continent.

The benefits of this partnership extend beyond the filmmakers themselves. By amplifying African voices and promoting indigenous content, AFRIFF and MTN will contribute to the preservation and celebration of African culture and stories. This strategic endeavor will create economic opportunities for local talent, boost tourism, and enhance Africa's global reputation as a hub of artistic excellence.

Speaking about the partnership, the Founder of AFRIFF, Chioma Ude expressed her excitement, stating, "We are thrilled to join forces with MTN, a leader in the telecommunications industry. This collaboration will empower African filmmakers, providing them with the means to reach a broader audience and ensuring that their incredible stories are heard. Together, we will redefine the African film landscape and foster the growth of the industry."

Our indigenous 2.0 global aligns perfectly with MTN’s mission, and together, we will unlock the immense potential of African filmmakers. By leveraging our extensive network and resources, we will pave way for a more inclusive and vibrant African content. On her own part, the Chief Digital Officer of MTN, Aisha Umar-Mumuni said: 

“Digital entertainment has become an integral part of our day to day lives, and the growth in the use of smartphones and digital services has compelled the need to provide digital solutions and partner with organizations like AFRIFF, to distribute indigenous African content, making them accessible regardless of geographical locations. And we are well-positioned to lead the charge as the biggest ICT operator in Africa, committed to using technology to promote the continent on the global stage.”

As AFRIFF and MTN embark on this groundbreaking partnership, they invite filmmakers, industry professionals, and film enthusiasts to join them in this exciting new chapter for African cinema. Together, they will champion the power of storytelling and elevate the voices of African filmmakers to new heights.


The Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) is the largest annual film festival in Africa, dedicated to showcasing exceptional African cinema and nurturing emerging talent. With a diverse range of films from across the continent, AFRIFF provides a platform for cultural exchange and celebrates the rich heritage of African storytelling.

About MTN:

MTN is the largest telecommunications company in Africa, with a wide-reaching network and the largest aggregation of subscribers. Committed to empowering African players in the entertainment industry.