Thursday, October 6, 2016

Creativity and the Role of the Leader

Creativity and the Role of the Leader

~ By Alyssa Johnson

Being a team leader does not mean doing everything yourself. One of the main functions of the team leader is to encourage participation: team leader collects notes, draws graphics, collects data and the main thing- inspires creative work and gives an impetus to a creative potential of each of the participants of the team!
A skilled team leader includes the work of all the members and organizes the work so that everyone feels the "taste" of collaboration. Note that T-E-A-M (team) also means "Together Everyone Achieves More". Leadership must include attention to the problem and concern for people and creativity helps this process to flourish! % The term "creativity" has Latin roots (creativo -the creation).

The studies that are carried out taking into account such a valuable thing as creativity happen in many fields of knowledge - philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, economics,  biology and brain research, computer science and robotics to create nanosystem technology and artificial intelligence etc.

The founder of the phenomenon of creativity research is British scientist XIX century. F. Galton. At the beginning of the 1860s. F. Galton was influenced by the works of his cousin Charles Darwin and became interested in the ideas of heredity of talent. Over the next 40 years, F. Galton was consistently engaged in research of human abilities, their development and diagnostics.

In subsequent years, the study of personality abilities focused on research of intellectual giftedness, intelligence. Creativity is considered to be caused by intelligence. That is why knowledge plays a great role in the creativity formation in the leader's personality.

Some believed that the basis of creative thinking is both divergent and convergent thinking. Divergent thinking - a thinking "about the problem of" peripheral. Convergent thinking unites all the elements related to the problem, and is the only right combination of these elements. The essence of the creative process is not in the peculiarities of the operation, and the ability to overcome stereotypes (e.g. intelligent people do not take advantage of the essays for sale) on the final stage of the synthesis of the thinking and the breadth of the field of associations.

Since the mid-1980s. the term "creativity" began to appear in studies of economic systems of different levels. There are combinations like "creative organization", "creative economy." This creativity is still associated with the original and unconventional.

For a leader, a creativity should be the production of new and relevant ideas in every area of human activity. Thus, under the new ideas are understood as those that are different from those that already exist, and these ideas can be even absurd and can be applied to solve any problem.

In fact, leadership qualities define the role of the leader and this explains why some people become leaders ready to inspire and lead, and why others will not be accepted as such and do not have authority.

We may distinguish the following leadership qualities:

  • Willingness to take risks: the reason that explains why these leaders are not afraid to take a chance and change your life is to understand that for not taking the lead sometimes you have to pay a hefty price. For people seeking to overtake events, always ready to take the risk. People who are ready to go on a calculated risk for the good of the group and the organization, always make progress; 
  • Active position in life: for an adequate orientation in the situation, the leader must have an active position in life. This is a necessary leadership quality, which allows the leader to always be in the thick of things, learn everything firsthand and be more informed. In our world of information, data play a vital role, the one who owns the information, will always be in front; 
  • Reliability and sequence: the leader is a carrier of the norms and values of bringing people together, so his outlook, his actions must be consistent complying with universal norms of morality · 
  • Honesty, fairness, reliability, responsibility and consistency in actions and deeds. People who make their moves sequentially to achieve the goal, often make progress; 
  • Vision of the future: the person who leads the group, just have to know where to go. Observation, vision of the future work of the group, the collective outlook, which follows him - one of the most important organizational qualities of a leader. The leaders have no right to get bogged down in the details, and to lose sight of something that is really important. The man - a leader, must think in advance all their further steps, a clear picture should be formed before everybody else is ready to formulate it; 
  • The ability to create the conditions for self-realization of his followers: it is the foundation of leadership skills! If you are trustworthy, more people will follow you. People who trust their leader, must be fully confident in him, should know that he did not make a mistake and will lead them to success; As a rule, the leaders are not immediately apparent. The process of becoming human leader of the organization is not easy. Much depends on the nature of the person, which helps to develop skills in this area. 
It is necessary to distinguish between leadership and management. This difference lies in the fact that the management is the correct performance of the assignment, and the leadership is focusing on how to produce the right products and have a precise performance. An important quality of a leader is a vision of purpose and the ability to accurately, efficiently implement it with the help of creativity! It is worth to remember that each person is unique, and vital ideas, experiences, feelings, thoughts, education, different attitudes make us unique. In general, a leader can be anyone who has a sense of purpose, who seeks to obtain and acquire new knowledge in the various fields of activity.

©Alyssa Johnson is a blogger whose lifestyle credo is “Education is the key to self-development and empowerment”

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