Saturday, July 18, 2015

President Muhammadu Buhari Vows To 'Save' Nollywood from Pirates - BBC News

Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari vows to 'save' Nollywood from piracy

Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari has vowed to save the country's entertainment industry from pirates.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Violent Conflicts Costs Nigeria Nearly $14 Billion Annually in Economic Progress

Photo Credit: Mercy Corps.  

Mercy Corps: Conflict Between Nigerian Rural Communities Takes Enormous Economic Toll

New Research Finds Violent Conflict in Nigeria Costs the Country Nearly $14 Billion Annually in Economic Progress 

New Nollywood Movie Power Of Faith Makes Top News On Pinterest

New Nollywood movie "Power of Faith" makes one of the Top News on Pinterest 

This is a movie that exhibits a lot of creativity and the artists have shown some entertaining prowess. Ikem (Michael Godson) a young businessman finds himself visited by a strange illness that paralyzes him from head to toe, after barely recovering from armed robbers attack. His parents in a confused state and desperate to have his lineage continued, gets a pregnant girl to be married to him.

This act gets the story going to a very interesting and gripping direction that will definitely keep the audience at the edge of their seat.

Nollywood Movies starring: Amaechi Monagor, Patience Ozokwor, ChaCha Eke Ikechukwu, Michael Godson, Adamma Luke, Roy Dinaly.

Director Lancelot: KenSteve Anuka,Producers : Chidi Chijioke.

 Top News on Pinterest 

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Boko Haram Threatens To Kill ThisDay Journalist

NEW YORK, 15 July 2015 / PRN Africa / -- The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Nigerian authorities to ensure the safety of a Nigerian journalist who received a death threat from a suspected member of the Islamist militant sect Boko Haram. Adeola Akinremi, the features editor of the independent daily ThisDay in Lagos state, told CPJ about the threat earlier this month.

Akinremi told CPJ he received an email on May 10 from an individual who said he was Abu Musab Abul-Barnawi. In a January 2015 YouTube video, a man identifies himself as Abul-Barnawi and says he is a spokesman for Boko Haram, according to news reports.

CPJ reviewed the email, which threatened Akinremi in connection with an opinion article the journalist wrote on May 8. "You are now a walking dead and a prey to the Lions of Islam from the bullet of a passing car or a nearby rooftop," part of the email read. "We will get you."

In the article, called "Why Boko Haram don't deserve our amnesty," Akinremi wrote about interviews he conducted with survivors of Boko Haram attacks in parts of northern Nigeria. The journalist called for justice and said he had come "to a conclusion that granting the Boko Haram members any form of amnesty will be injustice to the children orphaned by Boko Haram and the women who have become widows."

Akinremi told CPJ he had petitioned the police in Lagos state in May to investigate the death threat. He said he and his family fear a potential attack, following recent public encounters in which individuals whom he didn't know identified him. Akinremi said he now keeps a low profile and has scaled down his writing on issues relating to Boko Haram.

"Ï don't know what can happen anytime, anywhere," Akinremi told CPJ. "I have requested a police report on the update of their investigation. But I have not heard anything yet."

Kenneth Nwosu, a police spokesman in Lagos state, did not immediately respond to CPJ's calls or a text message inquiring about measures the police have taken to protect Akinremi and his family.

"Nigerian authorities must take this threat against Adeola Akinremi seriously and do everything in their power to ensure his safety," said Peter Nkanga, CPJ's West Africa representative. "Journalists should never be threatened with violence for exercising their fundamental right to express their opinions."

ThisDay has been targeted by Boko Haram in recent years. In April 2012, Boko Haram claimed responsibility for simultaneous bomb attacks on theoffice of ThisDay in the capital, Abuja, and a building housing the offices of ThisDay, The Sun, and The Moment, in the northern state of Kaduna. A month later, the sect released a video in which members singled out the newspaper as well as other local and international news organizations, and accused them of misrepresenting the group's activities, encouraging the public to support the government against the group, and attacking Islam in their coverage, news reports said.

At least two journalists have been killed by individuals affiliated with Boko Haram, according to CPJ research. The sect claimed responsibility for the October 2011 murder of

Zakariya Isa, a reporter and cameraman for the state-run Nigeria Television Authority, who was shot dead in front of his house in the northern state of Borno, according to news reports. Journalists told CPJ that Boko Haram perceived cameramen and photographers, particularly those working for state media, as potential spies.

In January 2012, Enenche Akogwu, a reporter for the independent Channels Television, was covering bomb blasts in the northern state of Kano when he was shot dead. News reports said the gunmen were suspected to be members of Boko Haram.

SOURCE Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

 Top Reports

ul 16, 2015

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

70 Percent of Nigerians Commend President Muhammadu Buhari's First 30 Days in Office

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, National Leader of the ruling party, All Progressives Congress (APC) shaking the hand of President Muhammadu Buhari.

First Job Approval Rating for President Muhammadu Buhari (First 30 Days in Office) Recorded at 70 Percent   

Abuja, Nigeria. July 9th, 2015– Latest governance poll results released by NOIPolls, for the job approval rating of President Muhammadu Buhari over the past one month revealed that 70 percent of the respondents approve of President Muhammadu’s job performance.  Nigerians in this category mentioned reasons such as security has improved (20 percent), he hasgood intentions (16 percent), and stability ofelectricity (15 percent) among others.This result represents the first rating for President Muhammadu Buhari as Presdient of the Federal Republic. On the other hand only 12 percent of respondents disapproved  of his performance over 30 days attributing it to reasons such as; nothing has changed yet and it is too early to evaluate.  The high approval ratings indicate a high level of positive perception adult Nigerians have in the new President.

An Open Letter To Nigerian Hausa Fulani Muslims Leaders and their Poor Masses

Sultan of Sokoto, Saad Abubakar, the spiritual leader of Nigeria's Muslims, receiving a copy of the Qura'an from Sokoto state governor Atahiru Bafarawa, during a coronation ceremony in Sokoto March 3, 2007. (Afolabi Sotunde/Courtesy Reuters)

An Open Letter To Nigerian Hausa Fulani Muslims Leaders and their Poor Masses

Dear Northern Muslims Leaders and Talakawa Masses,

The most well educated Muslims in the world are busy building their nations and not destroying them like the Muslims in Nigeria who have been destroying the northern states of Nigeria. Only five northern heads of state were fully committed to nation building.
The others were destroying Nigeria by corruption as Boko Haram is doing with terrorism.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

13 Oil Workers Killed in Explosion at Tebidaba-Clough Creek Line in Bayelsa State

 Oando Energy Resources Reports Explosion at Tebidaba-Clough Creek Line in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

CALGARY, Alberta, July 14, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

Oando Energy Resources Inc. ("Oando Energy Resources", "OER" or the "Company") (TSX: OER) today reports that it has received from the Operator, a report of an explosion which occurred on July 9 2015 during the inspection and repair of a crude theft point on Tebidaba-Clough Creek Line, an oil pipeline in Nigeria's onshore Niger Delta. The pipeline is owned and operated by the Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited Joint Venture ("NAOC JV"). OER owns 20% of the NAOC JV.

The incident resulted in the unfortunate death of 13 members of the inspection and repair team.

President Buhari Welcomes Mr. Ali Moshiri of Chevron in Abuja

President Muhammadu Buhari Monday in Abuja assured investors that his administration will implement far-reaching reforms to boost accountability and transparency in Nigeria’s oil and gas industry.

Speaking at a meeting with senior officials of Chevron led by the company’s President for Africa and Latin America, Mr. Ali Moshiri, President Buhari declared that his administration was ready to effectively address the myriad of challenges in the sector.

“We understand the situation in the industry and we will do our best to address the challenges affecting exploration, production and distribution of oil products in the country,’’ the President told the delegation.

Acknowledging the merits of the Amnesty Programme initiated by President Umar Yar’Adua to reduce violence in the Niger Delta region, President Buhari said that his administration will build on good aspects of the programme.

Monday, July 13, 2015

GTBank Wins 2015 Euromoney Best Bank in Nigeria

GTBank Wins Euromoney Best Bank in Nigeria
Reaffirms position as a leading global brand 
Lagos, Nigeria – July, 2015

Foremost African financial institution; Guaranty Trust Bank plc has once again reaffirmed its position as a leading global brand with its recent recognition as the ‘Best Bank in Nigeria’ during the 2015 Euromoney Awards held in London at the Natural History Museum on Thursday, July 09, 2015.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Islamic Miseducation is the Cause of Islamic Terrorism

 Islamic Miseducation is the Cause of Islamic Terrorism

We cannot separate Islamic fundamentalism from Islamic terrorism.
From al-Qaeda to Al-Shabaab to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) to Boko Haram, which real name is Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'Awati Wal-Jihad or the People of Sunnah for Preaching and Jihad"wink, each is a fringe element of Islamic fundamentalism.