Friday, February 4, 2022

Tribute To A Great Mother: Ma Margaret Murray-Bruce

Dear Senator Benedict Murray-Bruce, OON;

Beloved mothers are irreplaceable.
Beloved mothers are unforgettable.

The Yorùbás say "Iya ni wura" meaning Mother is gold.
Your beloved great mother, the beloved Matriarch of the Silverbird Group, Mrs. Margaret Murray-Bruce was more than golden.
She was priceless.
Beloved daughter of God.
Almighty God blessed her with beautiful long life and wonderful children.

Great mothers breed great leaders and your mother was an exemplary role model of such a great mother to millions of NIgerians who never met her, but knew her through you, her great son and your brothers and sisters.

I saw your mother on several occasions as I frequented your Domino Stores and attended the St. Dominic's Church in the same neighborhood of Yaba with your family and we attended the same famous St  Gregory's College on the Lagos Island. I was in the same 1975-1980 set with one of 
your younger brothers, Guy Murray-Bruce.
These are unforgettable memories we will cherish in our hearts as we remember your beloved mother.

"Everybody has to be born again. Our leaders and all Nigerians have to give their lives to Christ and let the fear of God live in them. As our father would say, ‘go straight, you will never go wrong’. This is the only way. People should do what is right."
- Ma Margaret Murray-Bruce

I thank Almighty God for blessing NIgeria with such a great mother as your beloved beautiful and highly favored mother.

Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima,
247 Nigeria (@247nigeria) / Twitter

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