
Friday, March 13, 2020

#COVID-19 Message from Tripadvisor CEO Steve Kaufer

#COVID-19 Message from Tripadvisor CEO Steve Kaufer

Dear fellow travelers,
As a site that millions around the world count on for travel guidance, Tripadvisor is closely monitoring the impact of #Coronavirus (COVID-19) on both travelers and the travel industry.
We care deeply about your safety, whether you are at home or traveling. With this in mind, I would like to share some resources we’ve created and the actions we’re taking to help you make informed decisions about your own travel plans.
Helping you make travel decisions
As this situation rapidly evolves, we know there is an atmosphere of uncertainty as travelers wonder if they should change their plans. That’s why, starting today, Tripadvisor will feature alerts for destinations that the World Health Organization (WHO) has designated as heavily impacted. We’ve also launched a new resource page to bring all the latest COVID-19 travel information from trusted sources together in one place.
Keeping you informed if you are traveling
As travel-related business owners continue to adapt as a result of COVID-19, they are making changes to their hours, making changes in service or even temporarily closing. We are making daily updates to the information on our site to keep travelers informed. We’re also doing what we can to help businesses in impacted regions, by providing them with tips and advice on how to weather this challenging time.
What you can do to stay healthy
Whether you’re at home or traveling, the WHO recommends practicing good hygiene to protect yourself against infection — by washing your hands frequently with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer, maintaining distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing, and avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth. If you become sick, please seek medical attention quickly.
For more information, please visit our resource page. You can also connect to other travelers and join discussions about COVID-19 and how it may affect your plans in Tripadvisor's forums.
Stay safe,

Steve Kaufer
Co-founder and CEO


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