Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Silicon Valley Chief Of Protocol At The United Nations To Support The International Day Of Education

Silicon Valley Chief of Protocol Deanna Tryon speaking at United Nations Headquarters prior to the passage of the Resolution declaring January 24th the International Day of Education.
Silicon Valley Chief Of Protocol Represents Region In Remarks Before United Nations To Support The International Day Of Education
LOS ALTOS, Calif., Dec. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Silicon Valley Chief of Protocol Deanna Tryon traveled to United Nations Headquarters in New York last week to speak on behalf of a resolution proclaiming January 24th as "International Day of Education". All 193 member nations later voted unanimously to support the resolution, which was introduced by Nigeria, and co-sponsored by Ireland, Qatar, and Singapore. Other sponsors included the UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Children's Fund, UN Women, the Collegiate Congress, and others.
Tryon noted in her remarks that major Silicon Valley corporations, such as Facebook and Twitter, were already working to help "level the playing field" for developing nations through improved educational opportunities.
Tryon explained that many Silicon Valley corporations are making efforts worldwide to increase educational opportunities, but wish to expand their outreach where it will do the most good. Tryon's office is "serving as a bridge" between Silicon Valley and developing nations. She also referenced local initiatives that support the UN's goals. Her comments received a round of applause from the audience, as she noted "where there is a will, there is a way."
Tryon stated that there has never been a UN formal recognition of the importance of education in the global community, and she applauded the UN's efforts in this regard.
The resolution called on UN Member States, organizations of the UN system, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, individuals and others to observe the International Day of Education. UNESCO, the specialized United Nations agency for education, will facilitate the annual observance of the Day in collaboration with the education community worldwide.
H.E. Tijjani Muhammad Bande, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations, introduced the resolution to the General Assembly, promoting education as a critical aspect of sustainable development.
Chief Temitope Ajayi of Silicon Valley Nigerian Economic Development, Inc., advocated for the adoption of the resolution, and worked with supporters from many nations to achieve the unanimous vote.
The worldwide "Day of Education" promotes numerous existing and proposed programs, and addresses United Nations priorities, including the "need for achieving sustainable development". The Nigerian mission referenced the UN's Millennium Development Goal #4, recognizing that "education plays a key role in building sustainable and resilient societies." The international celebration every January 24th will help "ensure inclusive and equitable quality education in all world nations," according to the sponsors.
Other speakers included New York State Assemblymember Jaime R. Williams, Ms. Katherine Elizabeth Fleming, Provost, New York University, Ms. Kalindi Doshi, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Jennifer Dooley Neumaier, LinkedIn, and Lillian Ajayi-Ore, founder and Executive Director of Global Connections for Women Foundation, who spoke on the need for strengthening public/private partnerships, and pointed to Microsoft Education/Skype in the classroom providing access to digital learning resources for over 5 million teachers worldwide.
Silicon Valley Office of Protocol
SOURCE Silicon Valley Office of Protocol

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