
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Barack Obama and the American Dream

Barack Obama and the American Dream

In 2008, I actively participated in the political arguments and debates on the U.S  presidential campaigns of Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama of the Democratic Party until the presidential nomination and election of Barack Obama as the first African American President of the United States of America.
I compiled and documented selections of my arguments, comments and commentaries I posted in responses to the reports and opinions of others, including posts from my blog on the Des Moines Register of Iowa.  I decided to publish the book of over 400 pages for the benefit of public knowledge and studies in the political history of America on how the son of an African immigrant became the 44th President of the United States of America on January 20, 2009. A book that parents can read and share with their children and millions of people in America, Africa and the rest of the world can read and keep in both private and public libraries.
I got one of the best book editors in America, Pamela Guerrieri to edit it and I paid more than US$1 per page she edited. Then I submitted the book for publication to an American publishing company that replied that it was not the kind of book it publishes . But it recommended another publisher who told me that members of her editorial board would have disagreements over it and referred me to
Hillcrest Media Group.
Then she also said:
"First, I believe that the person’s merit is based on what they do and how they act, not on the color of their skin. Second, I do not support anyone who seeks to take away the freedom that our for fathers and mothers fought long and hard to gain.  I believe that Obama and his agenda are inherently socialist, and a socialist agenda is anathema to the freedoms I hold as sacred, such as the freedom to choose how I care for my body, my mind, and my children (all freedoms that are taken away in the “Healthcare reform” bill.)"
I have decided to consider more intellectually informed publishers that will appreciate and publish this very important book of American democracy in the 21st century.

~ By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima,

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