
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Steps To Completely Cure Asthma

Steps To Completely Cure Asthma
Despite what some think, Asthma IS curable
In a nutshell ….
Read and try to understand the research to help convince your doctor
Vitamin D3 has been found to be helpful
Find an open minded doctor
Print the PDF from Dr. Hahn and several research studies to show your doctor
Doctors prescribe Doxycyline AND Azithromycin  for up to a year for best results.

These are the medications I took
Some patients who don’t respond to azithromycin may respond to doxycyline and vice versa.
Your Immune System
Over the years I’ve written to and spoken with many people who have relapsed after taking the antibiotics.  I’ve learned the most important factor in getting completely cured may be the strength of your immune system to help the antibiotics do their job.

There were several teenage girls who were award winning athletes in high school but came down with such severe asthma that they couldn’t even go to school.  They found a good doctor who prescribed several rounds of antibiotic protocol and one girl was completely cured.  However the other one kept relapsing once her medications were done.

Then her doctor prescribed gamma globulin which is a blood therapy that super boosts one’s immune system.  This was the final blow to the bacteria and that girl was then completely cured of her severe asthma.
I heard from her mom several years ago and that young girl is once again an amazing athlete.  So do everything you can to boost your body’s immune system.
This section was originally titled “Steps I took to cure asthma”.

But as I learn more from interactions with readers and doctors, it became obvious this section needed to reflect more current information. We are all different biologically.  Sometimes what worked for me does not work for somebody else.  Without a doubt more research is still needed to standardize the best protocol.

The first and most important thing you need to do is to find a good open minded doctor.
This is always the hardest part for most people. To cure asthma you need to put in a significant amount of effort on a few fronts. First, YOU need to read and learn as much as you can about Dr. Hahn’s (and others) research in this area. Nowadays too many people do a quick scan of everything and don’t have an attention span long enough to grasp what they’re reading. I know it’s tough but you need to have the mindset of someone studying for a test. The more you know and understand before talking with your doctor, the better your chances of him or her being receptive to your request. You don’t have to be an expert on the subject but at least understand as much as you can. Of course, even going in with a thorough understanding you can fail to convince your doctor. Many doctors won’t venture outside standard medical guidelines regardless of the studies that are out there showing asthma is curable or made much more manageable.

The good news is more doctors have seen and understand the research.
That’s makes it much easier for you compared to in 1995 when I looked for a doctor.   Unfortunately when doctors turn patients down, many just order their Azithromycin / Zithromax from online sources or go to Mexico to get it.  Even though I’ve only heard of positive experiences, there obviously are potential pitfalls to cure asthma self medicating and using online pharmacies. I guess only someone who spends day after day struggling to breathe can understand that mindset.  So I don’t judge and I honestly might have gone that route if it was available in 1995.
Print several of the studies found in our research section for your doctor.
Also (very important) print the PDF document that Dr. Hahn created for other physicians  Dr. Hahn’s book is also packed full of good information and is written for doctors as well as patients.
This bacteria is very hard to eradicate but many have done it. I gave my body as many advantages as I could when going through the treatment. I don’t know which (if any) actually helped but they’re listed here for your benefit.  I stopped eating red meat and drinking milk. And I also took a few vitamins which may (or may not) have helped my immune system in the war. These vitamins are listed on the Medication page.

After I completed the antibiotics, I still felt the asthma was with me. Not as strong but it was still there. However several months later, my body’s immune system finished the job the antibiotics started and one day I realized I hadn’t needed an inhaler for more than a week. My asthma symptoms were gone and I was completely cured. Everyone was telling me it was temporary and I’d soon be wheezing again.
More than 22 years later, I am still completely cured and EXTREMELY grateful.
because it’s a wonderful feeling to breathe clear. Most people don’t understand the hell of carrying asthma around with you every day. And that is why I host this website.

Most people seem to need more than the 14 weeks of antibiotics that cured me.  Without a doubt more research needs to be done.
One doctor treats many asthma patients every year using a year combination of antibiotics and claiming a 90+ % success rate.  Dr. Hahn also recommends multiple treatments of his protocol if you respond positively to the initial treatment.   Dr. Hahn acknowledges many who don’t respond to azithromycin may respond to doxycyline.
And please understand that I am not recommending anything here.  This information is for researchers that are interested in learning what is working for doctors.

It is interesting to note that some doctors have no problem prescribing 5 years of antibiotics for acne but will hesitate to prescribe them when their patient is going through life unable to breathe.


With so much information exploding all around us, finding a nugget of knowledge is not nearly as important as what we do with it.
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14 People Who Cured Asthma, The Introduction | The Delicious Day
Click here to read the report.

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