
Friday, July 28, 2017

Women Advancing Africa Placing Women at the Centre Stage of Africa's Economic Advancement

Women Advancing Africa Placing Women at the Centre Stage of Africa's Economic Advancement
The Women Advancing Africa Forum is set to bring some of the continent's best and brightest minds together to shape a common agenda to accelerate the economic advancement of women in Africa

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, July 27, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The inaugural Women Advancing Africa (WAA) Forum is a new Pan-African flagship initiative launched by the Graça Machel Trust to acknowledge and celebrate the central role women play in shaping Africa's development agenda and by driving social and economic transformation.  The Forum will take place from 9-12 August in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania at the Hyatt Kilimanjaro.

Mrs. Graça Machel, DBE says, "Africa has experienced tremendous development in the last few decades, however a significant gap in the economic advancement of women remains a huge challenge."

"Africa is in a second liberation era – the economic liberation. Women can no longer be secondary or marginal, and through Women Advancing Africa the Trust wants to enable women to take centre stage in the economic advancement of Africa. The Trust is establishing a platform for women to claim their right to sit at the table where the decisions are made and to shape the policies, plans and strategies for our futures and those of the generations to come."

The Trust is honoured to have H.E. Samia Suluhu Hassan, Vice-President of the United Republic of Tanzania and member of the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Women's Economic Empowerment join the WAA Forum to share her insights on issues that will be discussed over the four days. The Forum will consist of interactive sessions organised around three core pillars:
Financial Inclusion, Market Access and Social Change.

Inter-generational and inter-sectoral mix of participants attending WAA Forum

With an estimated attendance of 200 participants from across the continent, the WAA Forum will play host to a diverse mix of women and youth representing thought leaders and influencers from the private sector, philanthropy, academia, civil society, government, development agencies and the media who will bring their voices, experiences and ideas to strategize, set priorities and craft a common agenda to drive Africa's social and economic transformation.

A number of speakers from key economic sectors such as mining & extractives, agri-business, banking, telecommunications, media, healthcare, and goods and services will bring their knowledge and expertise to the Forum. Notable speakers include Leymah Gbowee, the Liberian peace activist and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize; Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission; Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa, Vice Governor of the National Bank of Rwanda; and Sheila Khama, Practice Manager at World Bank's Energy and Extractive Industries Global Practice.

A Social Progress Agenda

A series of side events will also be held alongside the WAA Forum on variety of issues including Food and Nutrition, Education and Child Marriage, Leadership and Wellness, to drive home the importance of social change as an integral part of addressing women holistically.

We are honoured to be joined by Gertrude Mongella, former President of the Pan African Parliament who will be joined by some of Africa's leading women giants who have shaped the women's movement in the past and will bring legacy and the future face to face in a gathering at the side of the Forum.

The WAA Forum will also celebrate the diversity of African culture and creativity in all its forms, from language, to design and fashion, to movie making and dance.  This year's Forum will celebrate African female writers and storytellers who are challenging the status quo, reshaping narratives and developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of the creative industries and their role in driving social progress.

Research looking at the Narrative and Economic participation of Women in Africa

A number of reports will also be launched during the Forum. Together with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Graça Machel Trust will be launching a study on "The Female Economy in Africa."  The study analyses the participation of the women's work in Africa focussing on gender gaps in the economy, participating in national politics, financial inclusion and sectoral segregation.  The study provides a baseline to track and measure the progress in women's economic activity and advancement, with regular updates on the Index being shared.

The Graça Machel Trust's Women in Media Network will also launch a research report on the coverage and portrayal of women in media entitled: "Women in Media – What is the Narrative?" The session will be broadcast as a Facebook Live event with interactive participation in the post launch In Conversation series to stimulate a broader conversation about the narrative of women in media as well as other storytelling formats and platforms.   Announcements will be made on the WAA website and the WAA Facebook page  – WAA, closer to the time.

Another highlight of this year's inaugural WAA Forum will be the launch of a coffee table book entitled "Women Creating Wealth: A Collection of Stories of Female Entrepreneurs from Across Africa." The anthology celebrates women trailblazers in business with a collection of inspirational stories from Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The book features a number of enterprising women from the Trust's women's networks and a foreword by Mrs. Machel.  The book can be pre-ordered here.

A movement of women focused on economic advancement

What makes WAA unique? Mrs. Machel explains, "Women Advancing Africa provides a space to bring together the energy, innovation and creativity of women from all parts of the continent to share solutions to make us stronger, united and unstoppable. The Forum is really the catalyst to creating a much larger movement of women centred around the economic advancement of women who will collectively shape and drive a development agenda that is measurable and sustainable." With a Pan-African footprint spanning 20 countries, the Graça Machel Trust will leverage our women's networks in Agribusiness, Business and Entrepreneurship, Finance and the Media to work with the larger WAA movement to catalyse the Forum's agenda into actions with measurable and sustainable outcomes.

To be part of this exciting initiative, you can register here  or take up one of the available exhibition or side event options available.

The Trust would like to thank our generous partners who have helped make our vision a reality.  Special thanks to The UPS Foundation, the Intel Foundation, American Tower Corporation, and UN Women.  Media partners include: the ABN360 Group, incorporating CNBC Africa and Forbes Africa; the Nation Group and locally based Azam Media Group. The WAA Forum's convening partner, APCO Worldwide has worked closely with the Graça Machel Trust, providing expertise and insights to develop this one-of-a-kind women's network.  These partners share the Trust's belief that advancing women economically is crucial to the health and prosperity of African families, communities and nations.


To find out more or to register go to or join the conversation on Twitter: @WomenAdvAfrica or on Facebook  – WAA or post your photos on the WAA Instagram platform on waa_forum

The Graça Machel Trust
The Graça Machel Trust is an organisation that works across the continent to drive positive change across women's and children's rights, as well as governance and leadership. Through our support of local initiatives and connecting key stakeholders at a regional, national and sub-national level, we help to catalyse action where it is needed.  By using our convening power the Trust seeks to: amplify the voices of women and children in Africa; influence governance; promote women's contributions and leadership in the economic social and political development of Africa. For more, please visit

The Graça Machel Trust:  Women's Networks
The Network of African Business Women (NABW)
The Network of African Business Women (NABW) provides women with opportunities to freely and effectively participate in the economic development of their countries through the establishment of sustainable business ventures. Through training, mentorship and capacity building, the Network supports business women's associations and existing business women generating a much needed upsurge of growth-oriented, African women entrepreneurs.

African Women in Agribusiness (AWAB)
The African Women in Agribusiness Network (AWAB) addresses challenges in food security and identifies opportunities for women in the agricultural sector. The network advocates for initiatives that enhance women's competitiveness in local and global markets. AWAB also seeks to foster market linkages for women, connecting them to projects in the agricultural sector that can improve their access to resources, knowledge and training.

New Faces New Voices (NFNV)
New Faces New Voices (NFNV) advocates for women's access to finance and financial services. The network aims to bridge the funding gap in financing women-owned businesses in Africa and to lobby for policy and legislative changes. The overall objective of the network is to advance the financial inclusion of women by bringing more women into the formal financial system.

Women in Media Network (WIMN)
The Women in Media Network (WIMN) is the latest Pan-African network established by the Trust.  It comprises a network of African women journalists who individually and collectively use their influence and voice to help shape and disseminate empowering storylines about Africa's women and children.

APCO Worldwide
APCO Worldwide is a global communication consultancy. We help the most innovative organizations adapt and thrive in this fast-moving, interconnected and complex world, enabling them to reach their business and societal goals. We bring our clients' work to life creatively and digitally through diverse thinking and a campaign mentality that is not limited by any particular service or discipline, but embraces a variety of integrated tactics to achieve success. APCO is a majority employee- and women-owned business. For more information, please visit

SOURCE Graca Machel Trust

CONTACT: Graça Machel Trust: Rosemary Viljoen, Communications Director, Email:; APCO Contact: Anthony DeAngelo, Media Relations Manager, (t) +1.202.778.1000, (m) +1.202.702.7510, Email:


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