
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

"The Mindset of the Enemy": White Supremacists Against the Black Race

Former South African President P.W. Botha and the first black President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. 
If you have not read "The Mindset Of The Enemy" By Femi Fani Kayode posted on, please read it and sleep over it.

It is one of the best articles on politics on Nairaland and to me, one of the best articles on the intellectual and sociopolitical challenges of blacks in Africa and the Diaspora in our existence on earth in contrast to the Caucasians, Arabs and Asians.

 "Pretoria has been made by the White mind for the White man. We are not obliged even the least to try to prove to anybody and to the Blacks that we are superior people. We have demonstrated that to the Blacks in a thousand and one ways.
The Republic of South Africa that we know of today has not been created by wishful thinking. We have created it at the expense of intelligence, sweat and blood. Were they Afrikaners who tried to eliminate the Australian Aborigines? Are they Afrikaners who discriminate against Blacks and call them Niggers in the States?"

~  former South African President P.W. Botha to his Cabinet. This reprint was written by David G. Mailu for the Sunday Times, a South African newspaper, dated August 18, 1985.
 "These are manifestly racist, demonically-inspired and utterly despicable submissions coming from malevolent, evil, dark, twisted, tormented and ignorant souls. They tell us exactly how many of our detractors view us, even up until today, even if they cannot afford to say so openly.
And we must also accept the fact that oftentimes our own behaviour confirms these negative stereotypes."

David Oluwafemi Fani-Kayode, Nigerian human rights activist, democratic politician, essayist, poet and lawyer.

It is a must read for every literate person and I wonder why it never made the front page on Nairaland.
Please, don't post any comment until you have read it.

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