Khumba is an upcoming South African animated children's family film to be released in October 2013 by Triggerfish Animation Studios, the producers of the award winning Adventures in Zambezia of 2012. And like Zambezia, Khumba is starring some of the best Hollywood stars who are the voices behind some of the most popular characters in animated movies. Jake T. Austin as "Khumba" the Zebra, Laurence Fishburne as "Seko" the Zebra, Liam Neeson as "Phango" the Leopard, Catherine Tate as "Nora" the Merino sheep and Roger L. Jackson as "Walkie Talkie" the human voice, Black Eagle and Zebra among other accomplished actors.
I keep seeing Triggerfish's computer-animated movies as copies of the Madagascar movies of DreamWorks Animation. And it looks like another Hollywood animated movie, except that it was made in South Africa. So, to me Khumba is a South African Hollywood animated movie.
Can Triggerfish be more daring and more original and make totally South African animations with South African actors? And give us something more than another South African version of Hollywood's "Madagascar" African safari. There are enough South African folktales to adapt for animations and how about an animated epic of the legendary warrior king Shaka kaSenzangakhona, aka "Shaka Zulu" in 3D?
C'mon! As they say in South Africa, IT IS POSSIBLE!
Khumba will be released in South Africa on October 25th in 3D and 2D.
Walt Disney never worried about telling American stories - he made movies based on fairy tales from England - often using British voice-over artists. It didn't stop them becoming quintessential Americana. Let's stop imposing false restrictions on our filmmakers and just make global movies like everyone else. Triggerfish is breaking new ground and opening doors for African film worldwide.